Bob Saget tells the infamous 'The Aristocrats' joke.
If you haven't heard about 'The Aristocrats', it's a well-known anti-joke that's been evolving since late 1800, turning more and more foul as the years pass.
It's pretty horrible, do not watch at work, do not watch around family members, and do not watch if you find horribly offensive humor(?)... well.. offensive.
Because that's what this joke is about, being as offensive as you can.
The joke itself starts around 2:50.
I want to press that this "joke" is horrible horrible horrible, but it's pretty legendary, and it's awesome hearing Bob Saget talk like that
Lots and lots of versions of it on Youtube, Gilbert Gottfrieds version is probably the worst one, and I strongly recommend it to Hom and Lebuff >_>