WoW bots - a diary


Oct 2, 2005
99% Sure Fridempsel in Arathi highlands is a bot. He has worn a path around the Circle if Inner Binding. His pet has no name whatseoever and he also doesn't seem to be able to see the huge rocks standing up everywhere :p


First of all, cool idea for a thread Liandra, been reading it with great interest and gives me a lot of insight into how these bots work. Personally I have had little to no encounters with bots for most of my time playing WoW, only hearing the odd accusation here and there on forums or in chat. It was sometime only a few weeks back when I had my first experience with someone who was without a doubt a bot.

It was Hvjhds in WS, I was on my alt trying to do the quest 'Winterfall Activity' and at the time there was nobody there, so I started killing. It wasn't long after that he arrived from somewhere, he attacked my mob at first that I had down to about 60%, so without realising he was a bot said /ty to him with no reaction. He then started killing the winterfall too, and once we had both cleared them, he ran to a central spot and started rotating on the spot....

Soon as something spawned he was there in a flash (well, his pet got there firstto tag it). This made completing the quest irratingly difficult, as I found myself sticking to one camp and tagging them as they spawn as well, which was slow. All the other camps he just beat me to tagging a spawn, noticing it just a second before I did. If I did tag a mob it wouldn't survive long, for as long as he wasn't currently occupied with a mob he would also come and attack it.

Since then I've noticed more and more bots, mostly around the ogres in BS and the yeti caves at WS. I think it's really getting out of hand now, and I'm quite surprised little has been done to stop these bots, despite the amount of people reporting the same names over and over. Not only is cheating, bad for the ingame economy and unfair on people who need to farm legit, but it's also interferring with quests now it seems, since many of these bots popular spots seems to be around easy quest objective mobs. They seem to either farm them for leather, nearby mining/herbalism nodes, or just for regular drops.

I found this thread on the forums, thought it might be of interest to you all. .... ost1182405

Or if you want to cut right to the blue responces: .... 182405.htm

It seems Blizz are aware of the situation, but how could they not be. What's annoying is they seem very slow and reluctant on taking immediate extreme action (Read: Ban).

Oh, and I realise the irony of the ad's at the bottom of the second link


2000G on Turalyon EU Horde for $95.69.
Imagine how many bots are running around :(


Looks like my dude got a ban at least. Haven't seen Zweet online for a while now. Woot!


theres always hunter bots at the south twilight camp in sili. wtb a class that can fear its mobs into adds :<.


kak said:
theres always hunter bots at the south twilight camp in sili. wtb a class that can fear its mobs into adds :<.
You have the perfect class for killing bots :eek:

Distract-kite-fd > fear :p

And sometimes bots disappear for a while, Keragon was always in DWP then was gone and now he's in Sili I think. :|


yeh joh what u say is true

but it dont always work, since some bots like to intimidate, after they do that even 2 distracts wont get u aggro, and when u can shoot the 3rd one its too late and mob is dead xD.

the twiligh things are really weak :< i tried to distract pull and it didnt work QQQQQQQQQQ, bot can kill 2 of em easynp

worked on the elementals in NW sili xD. killed the damn bot there 5 times in a row. :D:D:D

ah yeah i saw 2 bots try to take on the prophet. LMAO at the carnage :D:D. bots need to l2p.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Only works if you got skillz as Hunter, ye ._.


Newfinger lvl40 hunter botting on the raptors NW in STV. Feared his targets until he got way to many adds and died. Always fun :D

Reported as well


Omiga is a Horde bot, which I found running around among the Irontree mobs in north-east Felwood. I just enabled PvP and ran around near its mobs. After about 5, it suddenly attacked me, and then the game was on :)

To make sure he gets durability loss, I guess you need to get him finished off by a mob. This will require some training :lol:

Grunga is a Dwarf Hunter, botting in the same region. And Aneallman too. And Layner.