WoW bots - a diary



He he.... I reported Reishi the other day, and a nice GM gave me the usual macro spam. Not sure what will happen to the bot, but it sounded like the GM was gonna take care of it :D


found a hunter bot farming lesser rock elemantals in badlands
a Dorf named Luckygirl, reported her, got copy paste reply from GM
when i asked him if they are actually doing something about bots he reply'd: OK, good luck Chii on your travels in azeroth.......

tbh think the GM was a bot :D


This morning, I was passing the time in Azshara getting the Polymorph: Pig spell while waiting for BG queues, and I ran into my old "friend" Blueicecream there. Botting away in the midst of Spitelashes. Funny to see how it keeps running into pillars, and how it corrects its movement then.

Sooo I did /who Azshara 60, and noticed that of the 13 players there, 8 are hunters. I'll eat my left shoe if not at least 6 of those 8 are bots. Fernancy is one for certain. It's killing Timbermaws in Ursolan.

Looks like the botting program these hunters use is kind of buggy.... Angelmary keeps trying to resurrect its pet, while the pet is not dead - it's dismissed. So it's just standing around in Lake Mennar, chain casting Revive Pet.


New bot in production - Yuti

Saw it on the shores of Westfall when lvling my alt. Feared his mob into a pack and killed him :D


Guild Mascot
Sep 21, 2005
Liandra said:
it whispered "jian" and "buhao" to me, whatever that may mean....

Bu hao (不好) means "not good", not so sure about the Jian without seeing a tone mark or the character but found some possibilities :p

煎 jiān v. ①fry in shallow oil ②simmer in water ③decoct ④be consumed with vexation

歼[殲] ⁶jiān b.f. annihilate; destroy

奸 ⁸jiān s.v. ①evil; treacherous ②〈coll.〉 self-seeking and wily ◆b.f. ①traitor !ci 1004817568|H


Ribena said:
The Chinese farmers will start a revolution and seek to destroy Liandra!


Well, actually, I suspect that the people behind the bots can put "evil people" on some list in the bot. A few weeks ago, I went to the lake south of Everlook on my Warlock Nya, and the bot Huonr immediately stopped botting when I came in its range. Instead, it started following me, at a distance. I made it follow me to Everlook and parked it there.

Next time I'll try harder and hopefully get it killed 8)


Liandra said:
Ribena said:
The Chinese farmers will start a revolution and seek to destroy Liandra!


Well, actually, I suspect that the people behind the bots can put "evil people" on some list in the bot. A few weeks ago, I went to the lake south of Everlook on my Warlock Nya, and the bot Huonr immediately stopped botting when I came in its range. Instead, it started following me, at a distance. I made it follow me to Everlook and parked it there.

Next time I'll try harder and hopefully get it killed 8)

I had the same, ofcourse it's very stupid to /follow a hunter into a cave full of mobs :lol:


Kanguard is a bot I haven't seen before, botting the elite Dragonkin in Burning Steppes, right next to Eogran who has still not been banned.

Kanguard's gear is strange though. Several good blue BoPs. And he just ran to Morgan's Vigil and took the Gryphon.... but I'm still 99% convinced that he's a bot, because of the rotating-in-one-spot I saw him do when I first saw him. Note that it's not just rotating, but a mix of rotating about 90 degrees, then doing a small step, rotating again, another small step, etc.

Kaylarla, a Rogue, also looks very much like a bot. It keeps moving in a zig-zag pattern all the time, possibly to recalibrate its position. It does stealth before attacking though. Not entirely sure about this one, because it targeted me.

Smallbaby, the Troll Hunter, is also still botting around in the Burning Steppes. Sigh.


Liandra said:
Kanguard is a bot I haven't seen before, botting the elite Dragonkin in Burning Steppes, right next to Eogran who has still not been banned.

Kanguard's gear is strange though. Several good blue BoPs. And he just ran to Morgan's Vigil and took the Gryphon.... but I'm still 99% convinced that he's a bot, because of the rotating-in-one-spot I saw him do when I first saw him.
How else can the bot unload his stuff? :)

I noticed this odd gear on Senma, a hunter/raptor combo in Felwood, grinding the water elementals. Plenty of green BoE's but wields ice barbed spear so i first thought it wasn't a bot, but later Ronia from Carnique also saw this character appearing over and over again at different times and dates, and reported him/her.
Maybe they get levelled to 60 by instancing and BG's, loot some gear and then are handed over to the automaton programs.

My own attempts for reporting bots have so far been unsuccessful.Cuckook, the rogue bot inside dreadmaul rock is still trodding along. /w's to him resulted in 5 minutes of nothing, while he was stuck in a rock/mushroom walk loop. Then suddenly he responded with "?" and "Do you have problems?". I was starting to type in my awkward moments in childhood, but then got chatty with the GM who came online after my ticket.
My conclusion is that there is a person overseeing various bots, and they have some sort of alarm system going off when someone /w's them. So they quickly rush to the machine and disables the bot. I usually try /s first but they never respond to that.

Oh and they are all Nelfs :eek:

[edit] Name changed, thanks Ronia


soon the machines will takeover the world :!:

new upcoming patch

WoW vs Terminator


Liandra said:
Kanguard is a bot I haven't seen before, botting the elite Dragonkin in Burning Steppes, right next to Eogran who has still not been banned.

Kanguard's gear is strange though. Several good blue BoPs. And he just ran to Morgan's Vigil and took the Gryphon.... but I'm still 99% convinced that he's a bot, because of the rotating-in-one-spot I saw him do when I first saw him. Note that it's not just rotating, but a mix of rotating about 90 degrees, then doing a small step, rotating again, another small step, etc.

Kanguard blindly followed his mobs into 3 other elites, FD -> Kanguard dead.
Couple of minutes later I do the same thing again and I get "S h i t" and "Fku", looks like a bot to me. All his gear is BoE except for a couple of..... Maraudon drops. :roll:

And the spear is real easy to get right? 1x AV?

Killed Eogan in same way.


Vegana said:
I noticed this odd gear on Semni, a hunter/raptor combo in Felwood, grinding the water elementals. Plenty of green BoE's but wields ice barbed spear so i first thought it wasn't a bot, but later Ronia from Carnique also saw this character appearing over and over again at different times and dates, and reported him/her.

The name is Senma. And there are 2 more hunters - Sadd(aliance) and Omniga(horde).
The 3 of them have been there 100% of the times i went to farm EoW, they pretty much follow the same path, wear BoE, don't stop if we turn to attack the same mob and don't answer my whispers. (I even asked "Are you a bot?" :lol: )


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Babymary in Stonetalon Mountain could be a bot, too.


Seen senma before in Felwood and before tanaris, definatly a bot, used to teleport from spawn to spaen. I followed this one from 54 to 60 :)


my GF was doing quest in ruins of constellas with her mages, 2 bots kept bothering her, so i pulled out my lock & kept banishing their targets until an hour later they heartstoned out :)

next gonna try to use my hunter with FD too pull em into other mobs

bots where devilhunts & flowcloud


Killed Cuckook a couple of times today, best kill I had 7 mobs on him /flex :p

Even more funny was the fact he died and one of the next few mobs drops Shadowblade :lol:
After linking and tradewindow.. "I hate you" "you are a bad person" :p

He logged and 5 mins later another 58 rogue Dagola shows up.. same farmer probably. :roll:


Johras said:
Killed Cuckook a couple of times today, best kill I had 7 mobs on him /flex :p
Nref Hunters :) and i'm surprised how the mobs did spot him in your case when FD, because everytime i tag a mob he does vanish, and walks past. I only seem to get him stuck in walls by pulling his already attacked mob into a crevice.


By the way, if you have an application like Fraps which enables you to record WoW, feel free to send me some material about bots you encountered/fooled/tricked you think interesting. I could really use some good footage of bots being killed by players, to put in my video that I'm currently making about bots. Also some bots which are extremely obvious would be helpful.

Please make sure your UI does not show (alt+z).

If you have some footage you want to give me but you don't know how, send me a forum message and we'll work something out.