Tier 3


Clevery Guy
Aug 26, 2005
zomg Hunter update!11

8 Piece Bonus :
Whenever your pet dies (required level 60, 2 minute cooldown) you gain a fear immunity for 15 seconds and a +20% range haste.



#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
[url=http://sotg.sauft.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1128 said:
SotG Forums[/url]]
Set Items

Translation of the patch notes from the WoW China site has stated that 8-pc class sets are available in Naxxramus. On top of that, those sets will be specialized via choosing a "path" that you want. What this means is that you will have Tier3 sets being specialized to your template -- shadow priest, feral druid, combat rogue, fury warrior, etc. You can finally get a set that plays to your talents strengths.


/Edit: Nice pics, Aeq. Jewelcrafting might be nice after all.


Plaeg said:
zomg Hunter update!11

8 Piece Bonus :
Whenever your pet dies (required level 60, 2 minute cooldown) you gain a fear immunity for 15 seconds and a +20% range haste.


I hope that's a joke.. even +dmg/healing gear is more useful than that.. :roll:


Hyl said:
I really hope we get even more +spelldmg this time. That would be great!
Oh! And more +hit.

I hear it has lots of mana per 5 seconds.... 8)


Anshrr said:
I'm kinda torn though, on one hand, I really loathe blizzard for AGAIN giving anything but resto spec a big fuck you, but then on the other hand, the set looks pretty odd equipped. Whatever. They better give me cool looking loose feral gear that weighs up for not having decent set bonuses -_-

looks to me like blizzard don't know any other style to play than resto-druid, prot-warrior, holy-priest etc....

this sucks bigtime imo.... well well nice gfx on the priest set at least :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2005
Vixen said:
looks to me like blizzard don't know any other style to play than resto-druid, prot-warrior, holy-priest etc....

this sucks bigtime imo.... well well nice gfx on the priest set at least :p
if you want a DPS priest set, go for the AQ40 stuff.... for progress in instances I'm pretty sure priests will need the healing power and hence it makes more sense to give us decent healing gear :)

edit: removed the dirt


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Ayu said:
AQ sets are [edit]NOT[/edit] for niche specs.

I wish people would stop pointing out AQ sets when someone doesn't like the new NINE piece tier sets from Naxx. You can't compare a 9 piece PURE healer set (in the case of druids) with a 5 piece set that gives a little to everything. While it's all fine and dandy that i.e. the Genesis boots provide allround bonuses, the bottom line is that I won't ever have any benefit from increased spelldamage, and the raw cat dmg output is more or less the same as my blue boots from LBRS. The biggest incentive for me to upgrade, is that I won't be showing my toes anymore (stupid wolf boots).

Also, I would've thought the progress of this raid USING ALL SPECS would be evidence enough that we don't need all to be healerpriests/druids/pallies, and prot warriors, to progress in instances. As such, getting another set for those tasks is crap.

Another thing to notice. I read the interview with Jeff Kaplan. In it, he said that by the time you actually managed to beat an encounter in Naxx, you will be geared well enough. So basically, if you kill a Naxx boss, you are apparantly geared well enough already to heal/tank this boss, so why the necessity to put even better healgear as loot on said boss, when so few are still wanting even more heal (or tank) gear? It just strikes me as puzzling.

As for my previous post in this thread, the translation of the Chinese patch notes, imo it sounds reasonable. Blizzard can't have worked on a Tier3 set, and NOT noticed all the non restos complaining about only resto sets, nor the shadowpriests about healer sets, fury/arms warriors about tanking sets, etc etc. Making a set that you can choose the stats for, seems very logical to me, with the recent itemization from Blizzard.
I hope it's true atleast, as a feral version of that healer helmet, would in itself be awesome, not to mention feral set bonuses. Sigh, one can dream :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2005
yes, T3 is 9 pieces, but you only need 8 for max bonus. they added a 9th piece so you can break up the set easier and use different gear.
and T3 is token based again, so it's well possible that you can pick different stats.... who knows?


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Blozzom said:
yes, T3 is 9 pieces, but you only need 8 for max bonus. they added a 9th piece so you can break up the set easier and use different gear.
and T3 is token based again, so it's well possible that you can pick different stats.... who knows?

Yeah, know about the bonus. Just meant, instead of 5 pieces with a little to everything, you get 9 pieces specifically for healing. 9 pieces made for feral would rawk compared to AQ set ^^

Curious though, Kaplan said they were doing a different token system for Naxx, just wonder how different it really is.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
The Animist Caress Enchant adds 10 sta / 10 int and +24 heal to a head and pants slot. While I primarily get it for the 10 sta, the added healing/caster parts rocks. Why? I might be mostly in Bear form all the time, but there are moments I can shift out to use my mana bar. For example, when I am in the Sartura tank group, I stun her, move away, shift out and HoT myself and maybe Joyn00b as mana forbids since I have the time for that. And since I do not use my mana bar for anything else, it's not even a waste but a nice bonus. The same is true for Vem, or, that's the kicker, the Wasps before Huhu. They have that catalyst debuff that makes you get charged for a whopping 5k damage; if that happens twice, you are as good as dead. So what to do? You can shift out and abolish poison yourself and shift back. Yes, you will get hit in caster form, but the damage you take is rather small and non-burst compared to the 5k charges :)

I mostly agree with you on the Genesis set though; it is more a Balance set than a Feral set, however if you have Furor, you can use that mana bar too.

Shift with 40 energy
Shift out
Shift with 40 energy

repeat til OOM. It adds a nice bit of damage :)


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Problem with genesis, is for most encounters, where you know what your role will be, you'll rather fill the slots with pure gear, than hybrid gear.
So while the genesis boots might be ~equal to my pads of the dreadwolf (possibly slightly better, due to some agi), if I'm dps'ing, using genesis helmet i.e. over Guise, isn't gonna happen.

On random trash, or stuff like Nefarian, I wear a mix of gear, to be able to tank, heal and dps somewhat efficiant, and for that, Genesis is great.
However, when the restos get their 3rd set for pure healing (t1 and t2 has less than +30 spelldmg, so can't really be counted as balance), while we get hybrid set of 5 bits, how can you not be annoyed?

Ofc I'll probably get tier3, even if it's healer set, but not untill restos have it, and I'll still need more gear.

Though, with 18 bosses, there's bound to be at least 1 or 2 feral items ;p


It will always be this way, the "tier x" set will be geared towards the main role for that class. But then bosses don't only drop set items do they ;P. It's the stats on a set that make them good, not a set bonus imo. Bonuses are akin to racial abilitys, nice every now and again but not something you need to rely on.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Habit said:
It will always be this way, the "tier x" set will be geared towards the main role for that class.

Anshrr is gonna kill you now :p