Pedofile heaven @ Omegle D:
Connecting to server....
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey you nice girl?
You: Yes I nice girl.
Stranger: how old are u?
You: 13
Stranger: ok
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: im 19
Stranger: its to big differnce
You: I like old men!
Stranger: right?
Stranger: really
Stranger: ok
You: Yes!
Stranger: you like talk about sex?
Stranger: were you from?
Stranger: cute are u there?
You: Yes I am here.
Stranger: youu like talking about sex?
You: Are you 12 yr old boy?
Stranger: no
Stranger: 19
Stranger: really
Stranger: im from holland
Stranger: and you?
You: Are you ayu?
Stranger: no im willem from holland and im 19 years
Stranger: really
Stranger: you like older boys?
You: I live in holland too yes.
Stranger: were?
Stranger: waar?
You: I moved to haarlem when I was 10.
Stranger: you speak good dutch?
You: No it is really hard :<
Stranger: ok we speak english
You: What part of holland you live in?
Stranger: you to talk about seks?
Stranger: like*
Stranger: or you dont like?
You: Where you live first?
Stranger: in holland
You: Where in holland?
Stranger: which city you in?
Stranger: are you in noord holland?
Stranger: i am
You: haarlem
Stranger: o haha
Stranger: im in den helder
Stranger: you have boyfriend?
You: No
Stranger: you like one?
You: Yes
Stranger: what would you like to do with him?
You: Put pencil in his penis.
You: Is good fun in england.
You: You like?
Stranger: haha you aer crazy
Stranger: no
You: Oh
Stranger: you like penis/
Stranger: ?
You: Only with pencil
Stranger: no
Stranger: haha
Stranger: you wnat kiss a penis?
You: Can you kiss with a pencil?
Stranger: no
Stranger: ok you are to youngsorry for this subject
Your conversational partner has disconnected.