New skills and talents in TBC [leaked from private Beta]



The photo is borked, I see three pets there and no hunter 8)


Givf more subtletly :DDD

<3'ing this tree since 1.12 and those further things just seem awesome.

10% extra agi alongside 10% extra ap :D, and that imba immune to spells - perfect for ganking in a crowd.

Cheat death aswell, the whole subtletly tree just seems so rogueish.


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Shaman stuff:

Enhancement Tree

Tier 6 (25 Points Required)
Unleashed Rage - 5 Ranks - Causes your critical hits with melee attacks to increase all party members' attack power by 2(4/6/8/10)%
if within 20 yards of the shaman. Lasts 10 sec.

Tier 7 (30 Points Required)
Dual Wield - 1 Rank - Allows one-hand and off-hand weapons to be equipped in the off-hand

Tier 8 (35 Points Required)
Dual Wield Specialization - 5 Ranks - Increases your chance to hit while dual wielding by an additional 2(4/6/8/10)%

Tier 9 (40 Points Required)
Shamanistic Rage - 17 mana - 2 min cooldown - Gives your successful melee attacks a chance to regenerate mana equal to 20% of your
strength. Lasts 30 seconds.

Restoration Tree

Tier 5 (20 Points Required)
Focused Mind - 3 Ranks - Increases your chance to resist Silence and Interrupt mechanics by an additional 5(10/15)%

Tier 6 (25 Points Required)
Mental Quickness - 3 Ranks - Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 2(4/6)%

Tier 7 (30 Points Required)
Nature's Guardian - 5 Ranks - Whenever a damaging attack is taken that reduces you below 30% health, you have a 10% chance to heal
10% of your total health and reduce your threat level on that target. 5 second cooldown. (Not sure what number will scale here)

Tier 8 (35 Points Required)
Nature's Blessing - 3 Ranks - Increases your spell damage and healing by an amount equal to 10(20/30)% of your intellect.

Tier 9 (40 Points Required)
Earth Shield - 300 mana - 40 yard range - no cooldown - Protects the target with an earthen shield, giving a 30% chance of
ignoring spell interruption when damaged and causing melee attacks to heal the target. This effect can only occur once every few
seconds. 10 charges. Lasts 10 min. This shield can only be placed on one target at a time.

Elemental Tree

Tier 5 (20 Points Required)
Unrelenting Storm - 5 Ranks - Regenerate mana equal to 2(4/6/8/10)% of your intellect every 5 seconds, even while casting.

Tier 6 (25 Points Required)
Elemental Precision - Increases your chance to hit with Fire/Frost/Nature spells by 2(4/6)%

Tier 7 (30 Points Required)
Elemental Shields - 3 Ranks - Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee and ranged attacks by 2(4/6)%

Tier 8 (35 Points Required)

Lightning Overload - 5 Ranks - Gives your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells a 1(2/3/4/5)% chance to cast a second
identical spell on the same target at no additional cost.

Tier 9 (40 Points Required)
Totem of Wrath - 26 mana - 2 min cooldown - Summons a Totem of Wrath with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem
increases the chance to critically hit with spells by 10% to all party members within 20 yards. Lasts 20 seconds.

Here are all the new spells I see on the trainer for Shaman.

Wrath of Air Totem - Level 64 - 320 mana - Summons a Wrath Of Air totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. Party
members within 20 yards of the totem have their magical damage from spells and effects increased by up to 101. Lasts 2 minutes.

Heroism (Bloodlust for Alliance) - Level 70 - 750 mana - 10 min cooldown - Increases ranged, melee, and spell casting speed by
35% for all party members. Lasts 1 min.

Water Shield - Level 62 - 50 mana - The caster is surrounded by 3 globes of water. When a spell, melee, or ranged attack hits
the caster, 83 mana is restored to the caster. This expends one water globe. Only one globe will activate every few seconds.
Lasts 10 min.

Earth Elemental Totem - Level 66 - 705 mana - 20 min cooldown - Summon an elemental totem that calls forth a greater elemental
to protect the caster and his allies. Lasts 2 min.

Also the new Mana Tide at level 68 restores 330 every 3 for 12 seconds (previous rank at 58 restores 290 every 3)

Fire Elemental Totem - Level 68 - 680 mana - 20 min cooldown - Summons an elemental totem that calls forth a greater fire
elemental to rain destruction on the caster's enemies. Lasts 2 min.

They get DW. :cry:

/edit: broke the width, so added some enters :<
/edit2: Nm, blame Johras.


WTB Dual wielding paladin.

Ive allways wanted to duel-wield aurastones, not the best for stats, but how cool would it look?!?!


Tier 8
Nature's Reprieve: Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of your spell after healing a wounded target with Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend.

Interesting.... Unless I'm interpretting this wrong, wouldn't this mean if you heal someone with any health deficit, you don't lose any mana? :confused: Wouldn't that be a weeeee bit imba? *confused*

I wanna see priest stuff :eek:


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Wounded=20% health, and I wouldn't advise anyone to wait til a tank is that low to start heals to save mana :eek:


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Natalya said:
Ayu said:
Wounded=20% health, and I wouldn't advise anyone to wait til a tank is that low to start heals to save mana :eek:
Unless the tank happens to be a druid.

Your lovely and fluffy avatar is in stark contrast to your rotten personality :cry:


Ayu said:
Your lovely and fluffy avatar is in stark contrast to your rotten personality :cry:
Yours on the other hand is quite accurate :eek:


Oct 22, 2005
Priest skill speculation based on information found in the curse database (Stolen from the US Forums.):


Fade Rank 7
Fade out, discouraging enemies from attacking you and reducing the chance you are hit by melee and ranged attacks by 10%.
Lasts 10 sec. More effective than Fade (rank 6).

Shadow Word: Death
Rank 1
Requires Level 60
30 yd range
425 Mana
Instant cast
A word of binding darkness that inflicts 463-538 Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed, the caster also takes 463-538 Shadow damage.

Shadow Mend
Rank 1
Requires Level 62
40 yd range935 Mana
2.000 sec cast
Heal the friendly target 1400. This spell generates reduced threat.

Rank 1
Requires Level 64
10 yd range
400 Mana
2.500 sec cast
Brainwashes the enemy target, causing it to view the caster as less of a threat.

Soul Scream
Requires Level 65
210 Mana
Instant cast
Lets out a soul scream, disorienting nearby enemies for 2 sec.


Proclaim Champion
Rank 1
Requires Level 62
30 yd range
250 Mana
10.000 sec cast
Proclaim the friendly target as your champion for 2 hour. Increases armor by 230, all resistances by 10 and allows the use of various Champion spells on that target.

Champion's Grace
Requires Level 62
30 yd range
250 Mana
Instant cast
Bestow the target Champion with grace, increasing all healing done by the priest by 30%. Lasts 2 hour.

Champion's Bond
Rank 1
Requires Level 64
30 yd range
250 Mana
Instant cast
Creates a bond between priest and Champion. When the priest takes damage, up to 20 will be taken by the Champion instead. Lasts 10 min.

Empower Champion
Rank 1
Requires Level 66
30 yd range
1100 Mana
Instant cast
Empower the target Champion, increasing all healing and spell damage done by up to 100. Lasts 2 hour.

Summon Champion
Requires Level 68
50000 yd range
1150 Mana
3.000 sec cast
Summon the priest's Champion from anywhere in the world.

Revive Champion
Rank 1
Requires Level 70
30 yd range
85 Mana
2.000 sec cast
Return the priest's Champion to life with 3500 health and 3600 mana.


Mass Dispel
Requires Level 60
30 yd range
29 Mana
Dispels magic on up to 5 friendly targets, removing 1 harmful spell from each target.

Power Word: Warding
Rank 11
Requires Level 65
40 yd range
356 Mana
Instant cast
Draws on the soul of the party member to ward them, absorbing 1319 magical damage. Lasts 30 sec. While the ward holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by magical damage. Once warded, the target cannot be shielded or warded again for 15 sec.


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Well, lots of the new spells for other classes, posted by Blizzard, require level higher than 60. Seems like the brand new spells are post-60 only tbh, while lvl40-60 is either getting squat, or new ranks. I'm guessing the latter.

/edit: Oh wait, 65 isn't an even number. I'm with ya now. oO


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
I think the point was that level 65 is an odd number, and you only get to train skills at even levels.


Guest .... 5198&sid=1

Tseric said:
Here are a few points regarding upcoming Talents/Abilities, in no particular order and, as usual, subject to change:

* Spellsteal will randomly grab a beneficial effect. This spell is undergoing a lot of work, because of its tricky nature, so the spell's game mechanics will change during development to reflect the intended function. For now, consider it to cast the stolen effect on the mage, so Power Word: Shield would confer the Weakened Soul effect in addition.
* Someone had asked if Arcane Potency affects the whole channeling of Arcane Missiles. It does.
* The Water Elemental is currently another source of ranged DPS. It has no duration(will only despawn on death).
* The devs are considering changing Ice Lance to make it more interesting and a more meaningful choice for DPS.
* Invisibility will wipe threat once the 8 second 'fade to invisible' effect completes. A few uses would be content bypassing, escape or preventing initial targeting in BGs.
* The Wounded state mentioned with Molten Fury means having health at 20%, same as the condition for using Warrior's Execute.
* Dragon's Breath disorient effect will break on damage. The disorient effect will only occur if damage is dealt. Creatures/Players immune to fire will not cause the disorient effect.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
So Invisibility will have to compensate for the -Threat Reduction nerf, nice 8)


Aug 30, 2005

Here are various points of interest about some of the new talents and abilities. It doesn't really follow any train or theme, so bear with me. ;)

* Dark Pact will be receiving treatment similar to the Life Tap change, so that it takes spell damage gear into account (scaling).
* The Felguard is still under development, so I don't have too many specifics that might not change. However, a brief exchange in a meeting with the devs went something like this:
- Me - What's the Felguard looking like? Will it possibly replace the VW?
- Dev - Hmmm...yeah, maybe it should. It has DPS abilities at the moment, but maybe it should have some threat-generating mechanics, as well.
- Me - ....(thinks of respecing into demo)
Hey, no guarantees, but it is under consideration.
* Shadow Embrace is a self-oriented buff that reduces physical damage the Warlock may take. It won't stack with repeated casting.
* Nether Protection will only proc from an outside source. Hellfire, Lifetap or other self-inflicted damage will not proc the effect.
* Someone had asked why threat reduction was applied to Imp. Drain Soul instead of something like Grim Reach. Simply put, it makes a lesser used talent more valuable.
* Soulwell is not the only source for Master Healthstones.
* Seed of Corruption will explode whenever the target takes a total of 1044 damage from one or more sources. It only damages opponents. The damage from the explosion will count toward the 1044 damage of another target, should one be nearby. Think about that for a bit. You could also refer to the sig below for inspiration.


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
lol.... imagine several targets, then tossing seed of corruption on all of them.. when the first one blows, they all blow (if close enough to each other). That's pretty .... will make any gnome proud. :<