I want to have Figo's babies!


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Just posting to see the avatar again, because it rocks ._.


Aug 26, 2005
Have to agree it was a pretty poor World Cup.

I loved watching Argentina, even though they can be prone to falling over for nothing. Ghana was fun to watch too, shame they couldnt beat Brazil. Italy-Germany was very nice, probably my favourite after Argentina-Mexico.

I think Cannavaro has a good chance of winning the Golden Ball this worldcup...which says a lot about the games ><

More Ronaldo-bashing @ http://ihateronaldo.com/


Oct 22, 2005
Gymlee said:
I think Cannavaro has a good chance of winning the Golden Ball this worldcup...which says a lot about the games ><
You say it like it's a bad thing. Cannavaro is truly great and deserves more recognition!


Aug 26, 2005
He's been amazing yeah, especially considering the fact Italy have had to do without Nesta for most of the tournament. I'd vote for either Cannavaro or Gattuso myself for player of the tournament, theyve both been excellent. I think what I wanted to say was I'd rather have seen Ronaldinho or Riquelme perform good enough to claim it, because players like that are more spectacular to watch imo. :)


Guild Mascot
Sep 21, 2005
How can you not love Gattuso :D
He's a hairy angry dwarf with no neck and how always goes wild :D


You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, making fun of poor ronaldo like that. At his age, playing in one of the best football teams in the world, and he messes up so that portugal looses..

i'd like you see any of you WUSSIES have the same talent and then go majorly screw it up infront of millions of fans/nonfans and see how you handle it..only THEN you can come here all tough and noble and make fun of him.... bitches, red card for france :rtfm:



(although the little animation is :rofl:)


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Aeriyn said:
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, making fun of poor ronaldo like that. At his age, playing in one of the best football teams in the world, and he messes up so that portugal looses..

i'd like you see any of you WUSSIES have the same talent and then go majorly screw it up infront of millions of fans/nonfans and see how you handle it..only THEN you can come here all tough and noble and make fun of him.... bitches, red card for france :rtfm:

I once messed up Ossirian and wiped the raid. But I still didn't dive from my chair and pretended my fingers all broke at the time. 8)

EDIT: Mostly because noone would have cared to begin with :cry:


i'm more of a deco-fan tbh *Drool*sigh* wth, shut up silje*


Ayu said:
Aeriyn said:
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, making fun of poor ronaldo like that. At his age, playing in one of the best football teams in the world, and he messes up so that portugal looses..

i'd like you see any of you WUSSIES have the same talent and then go majorly screw it up infront of millions of fans/nonfans and see how you handle it..only THEN you can come here all tough and noble and make fun of him.... bitches, red card for france :rtfm:

I once messed up Ossirian and wiped the raid. But I still didn't dive from my chair and pretended my fingers all broke at the time. 8)

EDIT: Mostly because noone would have cared to begin with :cry:



You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Johras said:
Ayu said:
Aeriyn said:
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, making fun of poor ronaldo like that. At his age, playing in one of the best football teams in the world, and he messes up so that portugal looses..

i'd like you see any of you WUSSIES have the same talent and then go majorly screw it up infront of millions of fans/nonfans and see how you handle it..only THEN you can come here all tough and noble and make fun of him.... bitches, red card for france :rtfm:

I once messed up Ossirian and wiped the raid. But I still didn't dive from my chair and pretended my fingers all broke at the time. 8)

EDIT: Mostly because noone would have cared to begin with :cry:


Prick :cry:


Aug 26, 2005
What did France do? :eek:

Ronaldo didnt really screw up (if anyone did it was Deco actually :p ), its just the way he reacts to ehm...not even being fouled. Its mostly English fans picking on him now for appealing for a card for Rooney. Ronaldo makes an easy target since everytime he isnt crying, he looks like hes about to soon anyway.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Use the avatar so we can :cry: :cry: :cry: together :D


Bah, poor world cup. Engalnd were dreadfull

String 5 across the middle, yet play without a single genuine winger. When Lennon came on, he hugged the touchlline, pulled full backs out wide and stretched the game. Not only did he beat people, but he made space for us to play. However, this wasn't utilised enough. Engalnd were far too predicatable and completly lacking in invention

Also, what a wonderful idea playing Rooney as a lone front man! Thats right, a player who's natural instinct is to drop deep, run channels and link play between the midfield forwards. So what do we do? We dump him up front on his own, pump long balls to him and expect him to play like an old school centre forward. Moronic

Lampard was awful. His engine was gone. The 'box to box' Lampard that turns out for Chelsea every week was conspicuous by its absence. Instead, we got a tired and unispired man who's shooting boots were lost somewhere in transit. Am usually a big fan of Lamps, but his performances pretty much sum up England's Tournament

The scary thing is, if we could have upped our game, the draw had really opened up for us. The Brazillians were the only team I really felt that, if push came to shove, we couldn't reasonably expect to take. I remember watching Ronaldo's penalty going in, walking to the bar, racking up 4 double jacks and just rattling through them one after another. A truly horrible day :(
