Starcraft II Beta-cruisers


Death by sexy
May 31, 2007
Reet, heres the screenshots of the SC folder and stuff.

This is the thing that comes up when I click the SC2 shortcut, normal patch thing I assume so nothing wrong here..

..ignoring the fact that I've already manually downloaded all the patches. They are in the correct place from what I've read aswell so god knows why it won't take notice of them.

Tried using that thing. Nothing works though from any of the support stuff..

Can SS more if needed but if anyone can figure out the problem from these, please do so :<


Aug 7, 2008
In your SS you are downloading the third patch I assume since your client is 0.2, and it looks like it's downloading still. Can't you just wait for it to finish?


Death by sexy
May 31, 2007
Thats the thing though, its blocked behind a firewall so doesn't finish. I deleted the files it was trying to download yesterday as I thought it would just start from the patches I manually downloaded if I got rid of them.

It doesn't though


Aug 7, 2008
Hmm, I don't even have an update folder where my patches are kept, so I don't know how I could help you at this point :(


is Ded
Mar 4, 2007
Oh sorry Myst XD shut my mouth, so you did..

And Face, are those folders for each patch? What's in those Patch 1, Patch 2 etc folders?


Death by sexy
May 31, 2007

Thats what the inside of the folders look like, didn't do anything to them (also have backups saved on my desktop)

Also, this has been stuck like this for hours now



is Ded
Mar 4, 2007
Have you tried removing all the files from those Patch 1,2 etc folders, so it's just the raw files in the Updates folder..?


Death by sexy
May 31, 2007
Ded said:
Have you tried removing all the files from those Patch 1,2 etc folders, so it's just the raw files in the Updates folder..?


I'm careface.careface


Death by sexy
May 31, 2007
Game seems abit laggy :/ Gonna turn my settings right down.

Just got my ass handed to me as zerg, TMI to absorb at the minute :<

Wheres the map editor and stuff? Only thing its letting me do atm is play practise matches..


is Ded
Mar 4, 2007
Careface said:
Game seems abit laggy :/ Gonna turn my settings right down.

Just got my ass handed to me as zerg, TMI to absorb at the minute :<

Wheres the map editor and stuff? Only thing its letting me do atm is play practise matches..

Hurray! :D Finally!

Laggyness is usually due to your connection, or your opponents.. or even if the graphics settings are too high..?

Be prepared to lose a lot against people as well :( I do.. hence why I like games with friends! No shame losing repeatedly to someone I know XD well not as much..

Map editor is hidden away in the SC2 install folder, you need to go get it yourself.. it doesn't put an icon on desktop for some reason. It's quite a complex, but very powerful editor.


is Ded
Mar 4, 2007
Lonei mate, don't be discouraged! It's a complicated game to get to grips with to start, but it's fun :D when the retail version is out, there'll be all sort of custom maps appearing too.. stuff like HoN no doubt!


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Don't be long did you try HoN Ded? ;)


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Ah yes, single player, well that always bores me within the hour so :p


Aug 7, 2008
I played 5 games of SC2, that's 5 times more than the people I mock.
Plus it doesn't seem too fun to me, the only winning moves that I can see so far are rush so fast you risk losing if you mess up or turtle in your base till you get attacked and then go rape people.
I presumed it would be more like WC3 where the game could be won at any stage, but this just seems stupid.


is Ded
Mar 4, 2007
Lonei said:
I played 5 games of SC2, that's 5 times more than the people I mock.
Plus it doesn't seem too fun to me, the only winning moves that I can see so far are rush so fast you risk losing if you mess up or turtle in your base till you get attacked and then go rape people.
I presumed it would be more like WC3 where the game could be won at any stage, but this just seems stupid.

You're right about rushes there.. but it is beta! Things may get better! :D

Standard melee games require different sort of tactics to WC3, this is true. It's all about the macro-managing, keeping your economy up and running while getting the right sort of troops. Need to spy on your enemy a lot, and build a counter to whatever he's making. For example, if he's Terran and you're Zerg, and he's making a mass of cloaking Banshees to shoot you down, you'd want a mass of Hydralisks (preferably with increased range) or Mutalisks, and of course a Detector unit who can see them cloaked like an Overseer.

Things like that, it's just learning the tactics :D but hey, I don't like normal competitive games much either, I'm waiting for some nice custom maps to be available.