Test realm patch notes - 2.4
4-piece bonus on Season 3 set has been changed to "Reduces the casting time of your Blink spell by 2 sec." (Was a 0.15 sec reduction to Polymorph casting time)
Isn't that instant already? And if not, WTH? I HATE BLINK >< Fkn kiting mofo mages, when u finally catch then, BLINK, BLINK BLI)NK!¤ ><
And they changed the cool looking DPS leather shoulders into some really gay looking dps boots, with a socket less....
Also, druid pvp heal gear gets -0.25sec to Healing Touch? Like that's enough to make it usefull -_-
And Nether Vortex from badges, and not bop? It kinda feels like Blizz is trying to punish raiders for actually raiding, instead of just fkn about in heroics all day.... Raiders go get good gear and craft mats, a patch or two later, badges buys you equal loot and craft mats. Tho, boe vortices is good tbh.
And dodge trinket went from 20% to 8%? how lame :|