New MM portal live and kicking!


Staff member
Jan 7, 2013
There's a holiday option on raidplanner, saves you having to unsign each raid. The format's not great but it works:

Log in --> myaccount -->Holiday(s)/Break(s)

Use the YYYY-MM-DD format for start and end date of your holiday, stick each holiday on a new line (yes I know it's backwards).

Let's say you're away 1/11/2013 till 14/11/2013 and then again 17/11/2013 till 21/11/2013. So you'd put in:

2013-11-01 2013-11-14
2013-11-17 2013-11-21

And yes, I'll try change it around when I have time. Plus, it could be worse, I could have gone the US way with MM-DD-YYYY :p


Dec 2, 2010
Just tried it, it shows myself as unsigned in the tab on the left but doesn't seem to show me in the raidplaner attendee list view as unsigned.


Staff member
Jan 7, 2013
On the right, where there's an 'overview' with
  • Confirmed:
  • Unsure:
  • Backup:
a 'holiday' bullet should appear. But I think if you've manually already signed/unsiged, that overwrites it. I know it worked on the test site, had Tushy (and Myst I think) try it out. If it doesn't work..... I'll have to try fix it :D


Apr 23, 2006
After I click My Account, on the left where the 5 upcoming raids are listed, it only mentions my name if I have signed or unsigned, but not if I have actually signed or unsigned . And one where I yet haven't signed/unsigned for, says unsigned.
The hover-over with mouse just lists my name, but again not if I am signed/unsigned.
(means I still have to check each individual raid)

All this is abit confusing.. is it fixable? Or am I doing something wrong?

Ideally it should say if you signed, unsigned, not sure/backup and the not yet "signed/unsigned/not sure"-raids, should just be left blank....
is that possible?


Staff member
Jan 7, 2013
Working on it Lai.... as I've said before, need help. I'll just change the lable on 'unsigned' to something.... dunno. 'SLACKER' or 'LAZYMUPP' or 'unknown' :D


Apr 23, 2006
....... Let's take top raid for example. If you have signed up, you'll get the following on hovering over the raid:

Charname + Role (+ 'Status' IF one of the officers changes it to approved/backup etc. for that raid).

If you haven't signed up, nothing will pop-up.

Was also kinda refering to this (highlighted^). It still pops up even if I unsigned. So this isn't making really a difference. Would still have to click and check the raid to see if I signed or unsigned.

Keep up the good work, and get this fixed for us lazy bums :)


Shadow Master
Mar 11, 2009
Any update on the calendar thing to show whether you're signed up already or not? I think our issues with some raids are related to this as well since it lacks signed/unsigned overview for a longer period of time.


Master of Elements
Staff member
Dec 4, 2009
There already is a calendar-esqe feature saying if you're signed or not for the upcoming week of raids on the main page of the site. The days you haven't signed are clickable.

As for mass signs, still being worked on but if you (as a whole, not just you Merl) really find it so difficult to spend at most 10mins at most every week or so. Well.... yeah....


Shadow Master
Mar 11, 2009
Well you know how the old signing up worked.... I was done signing for 3-4 weeks in 10 seconds there....


Staff member
Jan 7, 2013
No updates - I've asked for help a few times, go a few sure I'll help, then nothing happening. So it will happen whenever I get time and work it out.


Staff member
Jan 7, 2013
Also, got Ater on the case for mass sign-ups. He's written a patch I'll be sticking in tomorrow/over the weekend.