IGN Mage Talents


Oct 9, 2005
Balduran said:

Yeah, that looks good :)
I think the new frost / fire wards with reflection might be good for PvP. At least, in PvE mobs tend to be immune to their own damage type, so I can't see it being as useful there. I wonder if you can reflect back to a mage who also has an improved ward, who reflects it back to you..............

I would agree about not bothering with the arcane tree, too - however, its a shame that Improved Counterspell doesn't seem viable any more :(

I had another bout of indesicion, and my latest iteration looks like this:
I took points out of ice shards and put them in critical mass and fire power. It makes me feel a bit more FIREH-y and I won't need to feel quite so indecisive about whether I should be spamming frostbolts or scorch :lol:
I also put a point in improved blizzard, purely to get the chill effect that might proc frostbite/shatter.


Hm, I just noticed that the new Combustion was different than I thought. I thought it was just "+10% crit chance until you have critted 3 times", but:

Combustion said:
When activated, this spell causes each Fire damage spell you cast to increase your critical strike chance with Fire damage spells by 10%.

It actually means that your crit chance goes up by 10% for each Fire damage spell you cast. So your crit chance keeps going up and up and up, until you've critted 3 times.

That sure makes it more interesting than I thought.... :eek:


Dec 14, 2005
Liandra said:
Hm, I just noticed that the new Combustion was different than I thought. I thought it was just "+10% crit chance until you have critted 3 times", but:

Combustion said:
When activated, this spell causes each Fire damage spell you cast to increase your critical strike chance with Fire damage spells by 10%.

It actually means that your crit chance goes up by 10% for each Fire damage spell you cast. So your crit chance keeps going up and up and up, until you've critted 3 times.

That sure makes it more interesting than I thought.... :eek:

It guarantees 3 crits in the next 12 (? depends on base crit chance) casts, and in practice you can expect to get those 3 crits much quicker than that - less than 6 casts on average (effectively a 50% crit chance).


Oct 9, 2005
I had another play around since the latest changes:

I put 1 point in Improved Scorch, as I'm rarely the only mage wth that talent, and it seems like a waste of time to put three points in it. The debuff quickly stacks up to 5 for long fights and for trash, the fight is over so quickly, it hardly seems worth the effort :)
I prefer FIREH, so I've only put as much in frost as necessary to get shatter. Hence only 3/5 in Ice Shards. I can see myself using frostbolts mainly when mobs are fire-resistant, and I guess every other spell when kiting, to keep the snare up.

I've got 5 points left over, as I'm not really sure where they'd be best placed.
I thought most likely flamestrike or fire power. Flamestrike is plenty of extra crit, but not a spell I can see myself using as often as I did when I had PoM.

Things I'm not sure about:
Elemental Focus: +6% to hit on fire/frost might not be the most efficient use of points, except for bosses?
Pyroblast: Not sure I'll ever use that, except for an opener or the netherwind 8/8 proc (which doesn't count for a lot if tier 3 no longer hass that effect). If I'm soloing, I guess I'd be opening with frostbolt.


Tseric posted some improvements on the 1.11 mage talents on the mage forum:

A couple tweaks | 5/17/2006 1:28:52 PM PDT

Winter's Chill now increase crit chance by 1%, but now stacks up to ten times.

Improved Scorch's Fire Vulnerability effect has been increased to 30 seconds from the previous 15.

I edited the 'Mages in 1.11' post to reflect this. The talent calculator will be updated in the near future.


So, Scorch rocks more, and Winter's Chill sucks for everything except bosses.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Liandra said:
So, Scorch rocks more, and Winter's Chill sucks for everything except bosses.

I can see Winter's Chill rocking on trash that you can't one-shot, and with enough Frost mages.


Joyae said:
I can see Winter's Chill rocking on trash that you can't one-shot, and with enough Frost mages.

Let's word it differently then: for a tier 6 talent, it sucks for pvp, it sucks for soloing, it sucks for anything that dies fast. It's only good for "tough trash" and raid bosses. Go go Blizzard putting such a talent on tier 6.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Liandra said:
Joyae said:
I can see Winter's Chill rocking on trash that you can't one-shot, and with enough Frost mages.

Let's word it differently then: for a tier 6 talent, it sucks for pvp, it sucks for soloing, it sucks for anything that dies fast. It's only good for "tough trash" and raid bosses. Go go Blizzard putting such a talent on tier 6.

It looks like Shadow Weaving to me, which totally rocks, and is also high up.


Joyae said:
Liandra said:
So, Scorch rocks more, and Winter's Chill sucks for everything except bosses.

I can see Winter's Chill rocking on trash that you can't one-shot, and with enough Frost mages.

I'd expect Winter's Chill's crit increase affecting both spell schools.


Joyae said:
It looks like Shadow Weaving to me, which totally rocks, and is also high up.

+15% damage for 5 spells vs +10% crit for 10 spells, hmm.

Looks worse to me :)

On the other hand, a few Frost mages with this talent doing Frost Nova and Cone of Cold could decimate some AoE trash much faster with this.

Ah well, I'm not Forst anyway, I don't really care about this talent anyway 8)


Asmodean said:
I'd expect Winter's Chill's crit increase affecting both spell schools.

Just like Shatter? Would be awesome, and probably OP. +15% fire damage from Scorch debuffs and +10% crit from Forstbolt on my FIREH! spells, well, that would be kinda sweet. :lol:


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Liandra said:
Joyae said:
It looks like Shadow Weaving to me, which totally rocks, and is also high up.

+15% damage for 5 spells vs +10% crit for 10 spells, hmm.

Looks worse to me :)

On the other hand, a few Frost mages with this talent doing Frost Nova and Cone of Cold could decimate some AoE trash much faster with this.

Ah well, I'm not Forst anyway, I don't really care about this talent anyway 8)

You're forgetting that all Frost mages will be proccing it, while for Weaving it's only the 1 shadow priest.

Also, +10% crit looks better than +15% damage, considering Crits proc stuff usually. At least it's very similar.


Joyae said:
You're forgetting that all Frost mages will be proccing it

Nah, because every frost mage will decide not to take this talent, hoping that other frost mages will take it, so they can spend these 5 talents points in a talent that is usable more than 10% of the time :)


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Liandra said:
Joyae said:
You're forgetting that all Frost mages will be proccing it

Nah, because every frost mage will decide not to take this talent, hoping that other frost mages will take it, so they can spend these 5 talents points in a talent that is usable more than 10% of the time :)

Well the fun part is that the more mages have it, the more useful it is, so I'd advise them to discuss it, either ALL take it, or none at all.


Ayu said:

You only need 5 Points in Arcane to reach Clearcasting, so the 2 more points in Arcane Focus are wasted imo. I'd rather put them into Imp. Fireball or Frostbolt.
In general, I don't really understand this spec and its intentions behind. You spec PvE raiding (+hit, Clearcasting, -threat) but on the other side go high up into Fire which is more a PvP/PvE-solo spec. So you either "waste" TPs which could be put into PvP/solo or you have way too much PvP/solo talents to gain the necessary versatility/survivability for raiding.
This is "nichts Halbes und nichts Ganzes" (I don't know the english phrase but Ayu will understand it ;>)