I wanted to throw out another update of things we're currently working on:
1.) Spectator / Replay Interface: This is an interface specific to spectating or watching a replay. It will have more information and options to expand & collapse lots of detailed information panels.
2.) Practice Mode: The ability to locally create a game on any map, play as any hero, give gold, give experience, spawn other heroes and units, change heroes, etc.... This change will allow you to experiment in the game and test maps (when you get the editor ) This will also disallow single player games on remote servers which will increase our server capacity.
3.) Chat Server Scalability: We've just recently streamlined the Chat Server's speed and CPU usage and are working on making it fully scalable. This is the last piece of the puzzle for system wide scalability.
4.) New Heroes: We will continue to push out new heroes. Here is a list of the next group of heroes we're working on.
(a) Maliken: New strength Hellbourne hero
(b) Andromeda: Vengeful Spirit port
(c) Sand Wraith: Mercurial (Spectre) port
(d) Panda dude: New hero based on a panda (we had to do it guys!)
(e) Diseased Rider: Lich port
We will also be working on other polishes, tweaks, balances, mechanics (game pausing), etc.... while the rest of this is going on.
I hope this update helps you feel good about what is going on with HoN. I hope you feel as though we are getting a lot accomplished. Just think, this is a small self-funded team. Just image with the success of HoN & increased capital and more developers what we can get done (yes, *wink* *wink*, pre purchasing is good hehe). Ok, sorry, that what the capitalistic pig in me coming out. Back to developer mode - thanks for testing and thanks for the feedback everybody!