Wrath of the Lich King Beta - Live broadcast


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
honourus said:
Hey Man, On the Alpha, you didn't need a char over lvl 55 to make a deathknight, i was wondering if on the beta you needed a char over lvl 55 to start a DK? as its beta i guess you would wan't to test them


You post this again and I'm going to ban you for being overly stupid. :hi:

What class do you play as btw, Rogue or DPS Warrior? :p


Guild Mascot
Sep 21, 2005
Hello gentlemen,

In the first stage of testing, you weren't required to have a character above the level of 55 in order to create a Deathknight.

I've been pondering if in the second stage of testing you are required to have a character above the previous mentioned level of 55 before being able to participate in the game universe as the character deathknight? Being the second stage of testing trying out said character would be a much desirable endeavor.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Contagion for Mortifera Tura horde side poking a nose in!
'Lo Joyma, awesome stream btw :)
What programs do you use apart from Mogulus? I've tried VH screen capture but it's crap.


Ive been looking to your live stream and the quality is amazing high. And since im using Mogulus aswell, i really cant get that high quality.
Maybe cause im using a Cam to stream. Can you maybe hand me over some tips how you setup that live stream.
I already searched forums but i cant find any help regarding the live stream setup.

You can PM me aswell


Just wondering

I just put in my blizzcon 07 beta card thingy and hopefully will get the beta key soon as far as i know im guarantyred a beta key aslong as i signup befor 1 august :p

Anyways to the point

You play on EU servers right? If thats the case and when i get my beta key intrested in teaming up? For some instances/quests?


Btw awesome streaming :D to bad i havent ben able to watch you playing yet :p only those south park videos and stuff and the rogue that misses twice on the boat WTF PWND!


Hello :hi: :hi:

I am also wondering what programs you are using to get the stream quality so awesome!
I've honestly tried out the two suggestion that Mogulu wrote in the studio, the ones by using Flash media encoder 2.5 etc.... But they didn't really do the job for me, as i currently am using WebcamMax as the main software to get my screen on the stream.

I have also been searching alot, and tried alot of different programs, without luck. Can't find any others with google and its frustrating me. When i see your stream, and then start looking at mine. There must be something i've done wrong. It laggs terribly on the stream and ingame. Tried 30fps on stream, then the game went down to 5fps. My computer is good enough i must say, i can run AoC full graphics and still have well over 40fps, on wow i got 70-90fps full graphic.. But i guess the graphics have no effect when it comes to streaming.

Thanks for reading this :lol:
Netname: Frax
Ingame: Yazaa(Yaz)
Armory: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet .... on&n=Yazaa :angel:


The main problem with mogulus sofar, is they recommend WebcamMax for the usuage that joy does, but this is a 32 bit only application,
so what should us 64 biters use?
I´m told Joyma is using 64 bit, but hes quiet about what he uses.
Ayu says in another forum post that its written in a thread, but ive been thru em all, searched for it, manually read em, and nothing.
But i guess Joyma is afraid of getting competition on his steam.


Oct 3, 2007
I'd rather say it's because he doesnt want to use time on explaining it to people, as he has more than enough with actually playing the beta and leading a guild that raids Sunwell. But hey, that's just my 2cents.


Dec 14, 2005
marix said:
But i guess Joyma is afraid of getting competition on his steam.

He runs an ad free stream on his own personal bandwidth, this costs him money, why would he be afraid of other people setting up their own streams?


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
ArlyKarlsen said:
He's got google ads on it btw :p

(Or atleast he had)
I don't have anything, Mogulus just shows google ads during the offline "auto-pilot", that's how they make money, although I doubt they're running a profit atm :p


Hello Joyma,

I'd like to ask which program do you use for streaming (as many other people asked already)? The reason I'm asking is that I also have a beta account, but I can't find a program that works with 64 bit. If you're using VHScrCap, I couldn't manage its window size settings, and it always resets upon opening with mogulus. Please help me on this one Joyma, I'd really like to make a Local Stream for my country (I won't steal your audience I promise :)).

Also, I searched the forums over and over but couldn't find an answer of this question.

Thanks in advance


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005

Content streamed on Mogulus channel magnae_mammae, located at http://www.mogulus.com/magnae_mammae and associated with your Mogulus account was the subject of a takedown notice we received from NBC Universal pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (.DMCA.). NBC Universal has asserted ownership of content that you streamed on your Mogulus channel without permission

Have a new one up, guess just SP from now on, or maybe they'll kill this right away cause it's me, dunno, don't really care either <_<


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Lol that's just classic, instead of taking it down for illegal streaming of movies, they took it down for streaming the European stream of the Olympics, which is not even owned by NBC. Seriously, Americans really think they own everything <_<


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Joy, or someone else with beta, any chance you could make screenshots of every (alliance) race in DK starting gear, both genders? I have one already, but think it's the old gear, and without helmet turned on.... Kinda curious which race looks best in a hood n' skirt :p