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Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchette I think it's funnier than the diskworld stuff because of Neil Gaimans influence. It reads very well, and is very funny.

Weaveworld - Clive Barker Really very strange and fantastical

Angels and Demons - Dan Brown The prequal to "Da Vinci Code" and a much better book in my opinion. While we're on the subject, don't go and see the movie, it's shocking.

The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkein It's just a must.

The Black Magician Trilogy - Trudi Canavan Young girl gets powers beyond recokoning in a magical world, goes on adventures risking life, etc.. Kinda childish but still a good read if you like all the magic stuff, which I do, hence WoW addiction. Oh and it's not anything like Harry Potter.

Harry Potter (ALL) - JK Rowling The first three are important for 2 things; understanding the story of Harry's life and character development - After these three JK kinda saw that adults liked it and started making a story for everyone, and it's very enjoyable.

The Easy Way To Stop Smoking - Alan Carr I read it 2 and a bit weeks ago, and haven't smoked since. Even if you don't smoke it's worth a read, because it gives you an idea of why smokers are smokers, and why they don't stop.