When it comes to the scifi in form of ST, SW or Battlestar there aren't any new shows after they cancled Enterprise. Did you watch the Stargate shows tho? Both the original (SG1) and Atlantis are quite worth it. There is SG: Universe aswell but its kinda meh, they canceled that too.
Comparing Forever and Sherlock is not really a thing. Sure they both use their skills in homocide, assisting detectives. But Forever has a lot more focus on the characters backstory and ofcourse the fact he can't die. Plus, it's Mr. Elastic from The Fantastic 4 that plays him

. But ye it has some things that are the same as Sherlock and that is where Sherlock is indeed better, but I can't really spill much of the show without giving spoilers. Besides, if you like Sherlock, you definitely like this!