Expansion release date


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Leveling in instances is more fun than just questing at any level in the game imo. However, I will still do as many quests as I can for new items, storylines, and just to explore the outlands.

I spent 29days to get lvl60 btw. I've been told that's slow ;p

and 4th quarter sounds like a christmas release, so I'm not expecting any servers to be upgraded till earliest mid-december, maybe not even until late december :\
I wanna roll new breeds now :<


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005

I am scared of myself at times, I just don't know how my mind works >_>


Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
More blue on the matter of BC gear progression:


There has been quite a bit of discussion on the boards lately concerning how current end-game gear will be replaced upon leveling in the Burning Crusade and we thought that many of you would appreciate some clarification. The basic idea is that players who have recently obtained level 60 will gain access to immediate upgrades from expansion quests and creatures. Our exact estimates as to when tier 3 gear will become outdated have shifted back and forth somewhat as we continue to tune the expansion, however not dramatically so. While we do anticipate players wearing full tier 3 gear to find some upgrades/sidegrades from new endgame dungeons, the big draw will be in Karazahn and higher.

Please keep in mind that this information is simply meant to provide everyone with some insight into this process, and much like any aspect of game play that's still in development, it's subject to change