From my end, <Magnae Mammae> isn't going to be a raiding guild. I've no interest in doing organized, weekly runs, and we quite simply don't have the numbers for it

It started started with just having a guild for when people are playing so they know some faces.The longer it's going it's pretty clear there won't be a lot of active players, so I was thinking of starting an MM community on top of it, so we can keep in touch and chatting across both games.
For raiding and groups, you're free to do whatever you like. FWIW the GM from vigilantes approached me to see if we were up for joining them. i've pugged an MC and so far it's really easy to both get in an active run as it is to run both MC and Ony. Likely this will change with BWL, but it'll give you a good starting point in terms of getting some gear here and there, aswell as getting an idea if it's something you wish to persue.