my issues with this are purely on the fact guilds that have been built around a 40man raid environment are going to have to be split in some form. kinda lame since means telling someone you like /no .
25 mans will make it easier for more people to see content, but that doesnt mean more people will beat it. imo the instances will still be as hard as naxx is for us, if not harder. people will still need to dedicate a lot of time and wiping to complete them. people will still need to get consumables to help get that kill. its not going to be as simple as 'get 25 peeps and go'. not everyone will be able to achieve this.
anyways...ranting over
tbh im kinda looking forward to the change since i feel it will offer more of a challenge (imagine us having to do naxx with just 25, thats the relative hardness i think blizz will aim for), that is if i can get a raid
25 mans will make it easier for more people to see content, but that doesnt mean more people will beat it. imo the instances will still be as hard as naxx is for us, if not harder. people will still need to dedicate a lot of time and wiping to complete them. people will still need to get consumables to help get that kill. its not going to be as simple as 'get 25 peeps and go'. not everyone will be able to achieve this.
anyways...ranting over
tbh im kinda looking forward to the change since i feel it will offer more of a challenge (imagine us having to do naxx with just 25, thats the relative hardness i think blizz will aim for), that is if i can get a raid