BC preview: raids to be 25 man instead of 40



my issues with this are purely on the fact guilds that have been built around a 40man raid environment are going to have to be split in some form. kinda lame since means telling someone you like /no :p.

25 mans will make it easier for more people to see content, but that doesnt mean more people will beat it. imo the instances will still be as hard as naxx is for us, if not harder. people will still need to dedicate a lot of time and wiping to complete them. people will still need to get consumables to help get that kill. its not going to be as simple as 'get 25 peeps and go'. not everyone will be able to achieve this.

anyways...ranting over

tbh im kinda looking forward to the change since i feel it will offer more of a challenge (imagine us having to do naxx with just 25, thats the relative hardness i think blizz will aim for), that is if i can get a raid :p


kak said:
25 mans will make it easier for more people to see content

That depends entirely on the content. With 25 people, the actions of each individual player are probably more important than in 40 man raids. I'm sure you can make 25-man encounters that are more difficult than the 40-man encounters in Nax.

Being a Mage, and during almost any encounter "just one of those people DPS'ing", I look forward to smaller raids. It will make my own role more important. It's cool to have a difficult task that you need to fulfill, for example tanking nef (warrior), emps (warlock) or razuv (priest). Or keeping aggro on all the small bugs at franky. As a mage, you don't really have any of this.... perhaps it'll be possible in 25-man raids :)

kak said:
but that doesnt mean more people will beat it. imo the instances will still be as hard as naxx is for us, if not harder. people will still need to dedicate a lot of time and wiping to complete them. people will still need to get consumables to help get that kill. its not going to be as simple as 'get 25 peeps and go'. not everyone will be able to achieve this.

What people seem to forget when they talk about this 40 -> 25 change is the addition of a "difficulty level setting" for instances. My guess is that a PuG will be able to beat 25-man instances on the easiest setting. Sort of.


Johras said:
We'll see what happens I guess, is it final yet btw?

Yes. Max raid size will be 25, max debuffs will be 40, and there will be a difficulty level setting for (some? all?) instances (harder = better loot).


Liandra said:
What people seem to forget when they talk about this 40 -> 25 change is the addition of a "difficulty level setting" for instances. My guess is that a PuG will be able to beat 25-man instances on the easiest setting. Sort of.
Kinda hope that only applies to the 5-10 man dungeons :eek:


Liandra said:
What people seem to forget when they talk about this 40 -> 25 change is the addition of a "difficulty level setting" for instances. My guess is that a PuG will be able to beat 25-man instances on the easiest setting. Sort of.

:p im not interested in the easy mode setting :p, if you can do it on that well done. But if you can do it on the LOL mode then you have more of my respect. im an eletist bastard, but sometimes you just have to be :D :D :D

but yeh thats a good point forgot about the option to choose difficulty setting.

hmm just though of something. they could make older instances also have difficulty settings. LFM MC lvl 70.


Dec 14, 2005
I wonder what sized raid the non-instanced (outdoors) raid encounters will be tuned for....


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Joyae said:
Gymlee said:
And indeed, a raid with 25 people is far easier to manage than one with 40.
That is not entirely true, [....]

Well, it has to be easier, as there are fewer people that can ninja-afk, not pay attention, forget gear, dc, etc....

Liandra said:
kak said:
25 mans will make it easier for more people to see content

That depends entirely on the content. With 25 people, the actions of each individual player are probably more important than in 40 man raids. I'm sure you can make 25-man encounters that are more difficult than the 40-man encounters in Nax.

Aye, but a somewhat significant issue with 40man raids now, is that many players find it hard to gather 40ppl to see these instances. More players have been in ZG/AQ20 than in 40man raids, so it is only fair to assume a 25man limit will make it easier for more people to get a raid together, and experiance the new stuff.

On a side note, with less people to contend with, they better make Illidans blindfold be leather, or I'll get real pissy :<