#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Well, it kinda depends on what mood you are in.
If you feel like utterly beating someone to a pulp, some emo american creed wannabe singing with rock music as backup just wont do
Also, Death Metal isn't Death Metal without the growl.
I.e. Cannibal Corpse's "Stripped, Raped and Strangled" would probably be pretty lame with some mellow chick singing it oO
Rib, u say a vocalist should enchance a song. Well, to me, a really deep, unbeliable growl, can do more than just another guy singing clean. Again, it depends on what you want to listen to. It's just like popmusic. Doesn't matter if the lyrics makes absolutely no sense, if it has a beat and you just want to dance (I don't dance, it's an example :<).
If you feel like utterly beating someone to a pulp, some emo american creed wannabe singing with rock music as backup just wont do

Also, Death Metal isn't Death Metal without the growl.
I.e. Cannibal Corpse's "Stripped, Raped and Strangled" would probably be pretty lame with some mellow chick singing it oO
Rib, u say a vocalist should enchance a song. Well, to me, a really deep, unbeliable growl, can do more than just another guy singing clean. Again, it depends on what you want to listen to. It's just like popmusic. Doesn't matter if the lyrics makes absolutely no sense, if it has a beat and you just want to dance (I don't dance, it's an example :<).