RBG - Rated Battleground thread. Let's Mammae Them To Death!



The Punisher
Dec 30, 2008
The Netherlands
To be honest, I rather push for the 2nd option than muddle along, since that's not working too well for us. Ofcourse circumstances happen and that's normal, but tonight was just a bit too crappy. I fully agree with Ravii.

For now I changed the requirements to at least have all of your Honor Talents unlocked, that shouldn't be too much to ask. (Changed it in top post in this thread and in the ingame calendar event.) Please make sure that if you haven't got them yet, you do have them if you intend to join in again next week.
Secondly, if you sign for RBG night, I do expect you to come. Even though it's not a raidnight, I do take your signup seriously and if you're in doubt of coming, sign as Tentative and update me on your status beforehand. It's only common sense. We had 2 people that signed and didn't show up nor leave a msg tonight.... I pretty much ask every night in /g for people to let me know if they want to come, if your signup status changes it shouldn't be difficult to let me know!

There were quite some stupid mistakes that happened tonight, and I couldve been more aware of that myself as well. If we all pitch in, we could do great. We've gathered some good pugs along the way as well. Yes, we do RBG for fun as an offnight in a raiding guild, and I'm the last to push things beyond 'fun' and go too serious. But some kind of seriousness is required to get the best RBG experience and have a great time. We've proven that we're able to do so!

So for now, please don't refrain from signing for RBG night because we had a 2 wins - 3 losses night. I always see that happening, that people don't want to come the week after. Just sign, prepare, be at your best, and we'll have a great RBG night next Monday!
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Go ahead, do the xmog joke. I know you want to.
Jan 21, 2017
I know i've been absent the past couple of weeks, own stuff going on, hoping to get back on the wagon next week.

I commented in guild the other week, that this group is not intended as a vehicle for people to get 10 Wins for their artifact skin. If that is what you are signing for, quite frankly go away. Don't want or need classes\players who after 10 wins aren't going to be interested. While we're on the subject of potential characters, I'd rather not see alts unless they're as well known\played as any of my 4 are.

Winning a couple and then things going to pot is a common occurance, whether complacency sets in too easily or what I don't know, but focus and attention needs to be maintained throughout the evening, this is the fastest thing that will annoy me, hearing or making calls, and seeing them ignored. This is a common occurance, be it Me, Ravii, Anti, Smaj. The only person who has had everybodies full attention was Atarix.

We now come to a real problem, Ravii and I have been discussing it for over a month now on and off, but we need to bring balance to the group, now we can do this through people Multi Alting, but thats not going to make us stronger, I for example know my Paladin the best, I will almost always perform best on my Paladin. I'm of the opinion that what we lack, we should pug, to ensure more balanced groups, even if this at the expense of guild members.


sup fresh
Nov 3, 2008
I know I wasn’t there last night and can’t attend every week but the biggest area for improvement for me is individual skill/awareness. PvP is not the same as PvE.

I think I’ve mentioned it a few times but there are basic things that people need to be aware of that will go along way in the long run.

1) DRs
2) Offensive/Defensive CD management

If you’re not sure on what abilities DR with your own, then look it up. But there is no point throwing a stun out of your own when you know the target is already going to be stunned or is double/triple DR’d. Save it for a healer, or for a big target switch for example. I’ve mentioned it before but there are multiple addons that allow you to track these DRs and enemy trinkets which is a huge advantage in making clever swaps/kill opportunities.
The second area for improvement is having awareness of your own offensive/defensive cooldowns and also your enemies. Legion pvp is very scripted, if a kill target has 2+ healers healing him and there is a Def CD popped, swap off the target, he’s not going to die.
Equally if you open on a target who pops their personal defensives straight away, delay your offensives slightly, you gain more value in the long run from it.
Communication also helps here, if you see a defensive or offensive CD is popped, let the team know. It’s great for healers to know when they can expect high burst and manage their own CDs.
Purging and dispelling is also suuuuuuper important and shouldn’t really need much explaining.

Lineups are also important and I agree that if certain classes are lacking it is better to pug. If alts are available great, but they need to have the key honour talents and have an actual idea of how to play the class in pvp.
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Trinkets, yes. Pretty trinkets! Great power.
Nov 6, 2016
For those who were interested in the addon I was running, here's a link.

It'll show enemy DRs, trinket CD's, how many friendly people are targeting them (So it's easy to see if there's a target with lots of people on it you can swap to), how many enemies are targeting allies (useful to see if you need to peel healers), it'll show respawn timers in RBG's and a bunch of other stuff, highly recommend it :)

Should probably also note, the screenshot of it shows every possible thing it can show, it won't actually show ALL that in game unless you want it to. Can customize the size as well


The Punisher
Dec 30, 2008
The Netherlands
Oh looks great, thanks Wizie, will try it out.

Last night RBG didn't happen but we ended up doing random bgs all night with people interested + using discord voicechat. Was a lot of fun! Thanks people that joined. :D