As you can see here ^, my questing addon is broken. I used to use the Blizzard questtracker, but with the alteration of the looks, plus my minimap addon (chinchilla), it's really broken. It only shows 1 of the quests I'm on, it's sometimes unclickable etc. This is for both quests as achievements to track.
So I'm looking for a decent, SIMPLE quest tracker, that shows at the right side what the quests are that I'm on (i used to have nQuestlog before it got outdated), that also shows any achievements that I'm currently tracking.
Didn't have a problem with the bugginess so far since I rarely do a quest that I need to track now, but for MoP it will be convinient.

Anyone that has any tips? I really -do not- want any huge addons for noobs that show you the exact way to go with big fancy arrows etc etc, just a simple list will be fine, thats clickable and will show you the full quest text when you click on it.
Cheers, Tyche.