About me: HI, i'm a fluffy female pandaren shaman and my alternate self is from Denmark and she's 28 years old. My days in WoW started back in Wrath and my first raid ever was ICC.
Character/s: My main is ofc my resto shaman and besides that i have a mw monk and a dk tank i'm currently gearing up.
Why i want to join: As you may know Revolution has stopped raiding and my passion is raiding so i'm looking for a new guild with the same passion as me and i'm hoping you can provide that, I've talked abit with Smaj about how the guild works and i'm up for the challenge.
My experience: i've raided mythic (old hc) ever since ICC and i've changed main alot over the years cause i tend to play whatever is needed.
My offering: I consider myself a good and solid player/healer and guildie, i've been guildmaster/raidleader before so i can also provide with tips if it comes to that. I can handle critisism and my fluffyness is just too cute
Addons: elvui - skada - bigwigs - rclootcouncil - omen - angry assignments - vuhdo
Useful links: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/turalyon/xunari
My btag is Arritika#2155
Character/s: My main is ofc my resto shaman and besides that i have a mw monk and a dk tank i'm currently gearing up.
Why i want to join: As you may know Revolution has stopped raiding and my passion is raiding so i'm looking for a new guild with the same passion as me and i'm hoping you can provide that, I've talked abit with Smaj about how the guild works and i'm up for the challenge.
My experience: i've raided mythic (old hc) ever since ICC and i've changed main alot over the years cause i tend to play whatever is needed.
My offering: I consider myself a good and solid player/healer and guildie, i've been guildmaster/raidleader before so i can also provide with tips if it comes to that. I can handle critisism and my fluffyness is just too cute

Addons: elvui - skada - bigwigs - rclootcouncil - omen - angry assignments - vuhdo
Useful links: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/turalyon/xunari
My btag is Arritika#2155
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