Model change


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
As far as i can tell theres nothing illegal doing this, and it works!

A new way has been discovered to change the model of your character without any of the programs that use to be necessary.

Step 1 : Make a new character of the race / gender / appearance you want to be, class does not matter. Also, for example if you're a tauren druid, you can be ANY race you want not just a night elf.

Step 2 : Log onto the newly made character, and then log off.

Step 3 : On the character selection screen, have the character you want changed " Highlighted " in that they are the character is shown enlarged, and have your cursor over the level 1 you want to look like. Click that level 1 and press enter at virtually the same exact time ( but with the clicking part being slightly before). If you fail in doing so repeat step 2 and try again.


The Punisher
Dec 30, 2008
The Netherlands
Aye saw the youtube post on this, tried myself but failed to do it. :p

Anyway, you didn't tell this, but yea, for people that didn't figure it out: It ofcourse only shows the new looks on your screen, not for the rest of the people ingame.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007

Me as a cow :p