- Nov 25, 2005
- 2,799
After the discussion in the raid yesterday, I thought it could be fun to see how people set up their binds. I guess I'll go first.
My movement is QWE + Mouse. (Q - Strafe left, W - Run forward, E - Strafe right, and S is walking backwards of course)
This is: Defensive Stance/Battle Stance/Berserker Stance
1 - Taunt/Overpower/Whirlwind
2 - Intervene/Charge/Intercept
3 - Shield Bash/Mocking Blow/Pummel
4 - Disarm/Hamstring/Hamstring
5 - Thunder Clap/Thunder Clap/Berserker Rage
6 - Shield Block/Victory Rush/Victory Rush
This is how my Defensive Stance binds looks normally (for PvP mostly), they would look way different if I'm tanking something.
I use 2 macros for stance swapping. With these macros I can "scroll" through stances, either going more offensive, or more defensive.
This way I can reach any stance with one button hit, with only 2 binds.
D - To go offensive (Defensive Stance -> Battle Stance -> Berserker Stance -> Defensive Stance):
A - To go more defensive (Berserker Stance -> Battle Stance -> Defensive Stance -> Berserker Stance)
R - /startattck + Bloodthirst/Mortal Strike
T - Execute
' - Cleave
F - Sunder Armor
G - Challenging Shout
Alt+' - Intimidating Shout
Alt+1 - Bloodrage
Alt+2 - Piercing Howl
Alt+3 - Slam
Alt+4 - Sweeping Strikes
Alt+5 - Ranged
Alt+R - Heroic Strike
F2 - Battle Shout
F3 - Demoralizing Shout
F4 - Commanding Shout
Alt+A - Macro for swapping to Defensive Stance -> 1 hander + Shield -> Spell Reflect
Alt+D - Rampage (PvP Trinket when PvP spec)
Alt+Q - Healthstone (Macro for Berserker Stance + Equip 2 Hander when PvP)
Alt+E - Healthstone (Deathwish when PvP)
Alt+F - Varies a lot, various macros, weapon swaps etc etc
Alt+G - /focus
Ctrl+1 - Recklessness
Ctrl+2 - Shield Wall
X - Bandage
8 - Normal mount
9 - Flying mount
0 - Hearthstone
I'll include a SS of my UI here:
Think that's about it!
My movement is QWE + Mouse. (Q - Strafe left, W - Run forward, E - Strafe right, and S is walking backwards of course)
This is: Defensive Stance/Battle Stance/Berserker Stance
1 - Taunt/Overpower/Whirlwind
2 - Intervene/Charge/Intercept
3 - Shield Bash/Mocking Blow/Pummel
4 - Disarm/Hamstring/Hamstring
5 - Thunder Clap/Thunder Clap/Berserker Rage
6 - Shield Block/Victory Rush/Victory Rush
This is how my Defensive Stance binds looks normally (for PvP mostly), they would look way different if I'm tanking something.
I use 2 macros for stance swapping. With these macros I can "scroll" through stances, either going more offensive, or more defensive.
This way I can reach any stance with one button hit, with only 2 binds.
D - To go offensive (Defensive Stance -> Battle Stance -> Berserker Stance -> Defensive Stance):
/cast [stance:2] Battle Stance; [stance:1] Berserker Stance; Defensive Stance
A - To go more defensive (Berserker Stance -> Battle Stance -> Defensive Stance -> Berserker Stance)
/cast [stance:2] Berserker Stance; [stance:3] Battle Stance; Defensive Stance
R - /startattck + Bloodthirst/Mortal Strike
T - Execute
' - Cleave
F - Sunder Armor
G - Challenging Shout
Alt+' - Intimidating Shout
Alt+1 - Bloodrage
Alt+2 - Piercing Howl
Alt+3 - Slam
Alt+4 - Sweeping Strikes
Alt+5 - Ranged
Alt+R - Heroic Strike
F2 - Battle Shout
F3 - Demoralizing Shout
F4 - Commanding Shout
Alt+A - Macro for swapping to Defensive Stance -> 1 hander + Shield -> Spell Reflect
Alt+D - Rampage (PvP Trinket when PvP spec)
Alt+Q - Healthstone (Macro for Berserker Stance + Equip 2 Hander when PvP)
Alt+E - Healthstone (Deathwish when PvP)
Alt+F - Varies a lot, various macros, weapon swaps etc etc
Alt+G - /focus
Ctrl+1 - Recklessness
Ctrl+2 - Shield Wall
X - Bandage
8 - Normal mount
9 - Flying mount
0 - Hearthstone
I'll include a SS of my UI here:

Think that's about it!