Recent content by Actimia

  1. Actimia

    [UPDATE 23/8] Glory of BFA runs

    I'm just a dirty casual hangaround but id be happy to do some fun glory runs :)
  2. Actimia

    ACCEPTED: Nerevarine - WW Monk

    Thanks! I have some things I need to get in order on my current realm first, but I will probably transfer by tomorrow! About class - I've tried pretty much all the specs on PTR/beta and I just can't get into any of the range classes. And I'm a bit too attached to my monk to switch mains :/
  3. Actimia

    ACCEPTED: Nerevarine - WW Monk

    Hello, I am Nerevarine (yes, from TES3). I am looking to get back into raiding in Legion after a two-expansion hiatus during which I focused on university. I am currently working as a web developer for a small startup in Stockholm, Sweden. Raiding was the most fun I've ever had in a video....