Tell us about yourself:
Hi to you, whomever reads this! My name is Michael, I'm 25 and I'm looking for a place to have fun with kind people while comitting to clearing content!
Battle Tag:
Armoury link (or link wowprogress/ (log out in main spec gear and include any relevant alts)
I returned to WoW after a 5 months break 3 weeks ago, so I am still catching up
Warcraft Logs:
I have for the longest time focused on PvP in WoW, and unfortunately I don't really have any logs, however I am sure someone can supply some logs from the raid earlier today 01-05-2019, from the first time I'm clearing CoS hc and the first 3 mythic bosses in BoD.
Thanks for the raid by the way, very enjoyable!
Your UI in raid combat:
I have not been raiding much, and therefore I can't provide a screenshot of my UI in raid combat, however this should give you an inkling
Why are you applying to MM? How did you hear about us? Do you know anyone here?
I am applying to MM after having spent approximately 3 enjoyable hours with you kind people. I really enjoyed how helpful people were to a complete stranger (me
), and the enjoyable atmosphere.
I originally heard of MM through Anti. I am a friend of Anti's and have been for 10+ years.
Why are you leaving your current guild? If we were to look at your guild history, would we find anything concerning?
I am leaving my guild because it's completely dead, no one are ever online anymore and have not been for months. You are very welcome to look through my past guilds, if you enjoy gossip and drama, I assure you, you're going to be dissapointed!
Raiding experience while current:
I have not been raiding properly for several expansions. I used to only spend time playing PvP.
What is your main spec? How long have you played this?
My main spec is Resto, and in regards to playing this spec for an amount of time, with the current talents and interaction, about 3 weeks. I have played resto druid for several expansions in the past though.
What is your stat priority? Explain why.
Haste > Mastery (however both haste and mastery are close) > versatility > crit
Haste and mastery are both very close, however I prefer to prioritize haste a little bit over mastery and here is why:
Even though both complement eachother amazingly, haste provides a lower GCD while also directly increasing the healing of my HoTs.
Provides increased healing by my HoTs when applied to the same target. It quite often happens that i have several HoTs on a single target, and increasing the healing done by the HoTs in this case, is very useful to improve my direct healing throughput
Why should we bring your class/spec to a raid? What do you feel is the defining feature of your class/spec?
Resto druids bring a lot of AOE healing for the whole raid, while being able to maintain HoTs on the tanks.
What addons do you use to enhance your performance?
I use DBM and WeakAuras primarily
Where do you find the latest information in relation to your class?
Primarily MMO-Champion and Icy-Veins, and the official druid discord, while talking about improvements and tweaks with other resto druids.
What do you do outside of a raid to improve your character, play style and performance?
I enjoy to play a lot of Mythic plus dungeons, both with friends and pugs. I enjoy striving to push myself. Completing content at a higher level, is always an enjoyable rush. I try to 'sim' gear and stats, as well as strategies with other more experienced resto druids.
Do you ever change around talents depending on the encounter? If so please, give an example.
I very much do. Usually playing Mythic plus dungeons, the spec: Cultivation, Spring Blossoms and Photosynthesis is the superior spec, using cenarion ward, but for dungeons like Kings Rest, where burst damage is a thing, using Prosperity for the double swiftmend is superior.
In raids i use Incarnation: Tree of Life, Inner Peace, and Flourish for raid healing.
What is your offspec? How comfortable would you be if we asked you to raid as your offspec?
I currently do not really have an offspec. I came back to the game 3 weeks ago, and feel like I have to focus on my main spec to become as comfortable with it as I can, however in the future, I would be open to persuing an offspec that would help the guild the most.
We raid Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays 20:00-23:00 Server Time. Are you able to commit to these times and days?
Yes, those times and days fit me perfectly
Can you accept criticism? If not then do not apply, we frown upon shifting blame a lot more than people admitting to mistakes and improving on it.
I have no issues with criticism, and I am very open to ideas and improvements that could be made. We're persuing the same goal.
Do you have a mic? Do you have a proper setup and internet connection to play the game competitively? (that is, at least 30 and ideally more fps in raids)
I do
We all need the occasional raiding day off for various reasons, but we expect these reasons so to be fully disclosed at as early a time as possible to make planning an easier process. Have you any planned absences in the foreseeable future that we should know about?
I do not, if anything pops up, I will inform you as early as possible
Do you have anything else to add?
I have for the longest time been purely a pvp player, however I am willing to learn and become a great asset to the raiding team as a dedicated player.
Thank you for the raid invitation today, I quite enjoyed it, hope to see you guys again!
Best regards,
Hi to you, whomever reads this! My name is Michael, I'm 25 and I'm looking for a place to have fun with kind people while comitting to clearing content!
Battle Tag:
Armoury link (or link wowprogress/ (log out in main spec gear and include any relevant alts)
I returned to WoW after a 5 months break 3 weeks ago, so I am still catching up
Warcraft Logs:
I have for the longest time focused on PvP in WoW, and unfortunately I don't really have any logs, however I am sure someone can supply some logs from the raid earlier today 01-05-2019, from the first time I'm clearing CoS hc and the first 3 mythic bosses in BoD.
Thanks for the raid by the way, very enjoyable!
Your UI in raid combat:
I have not been raiding much, and therefore I can't provide a screenshot of my UI in raid combat, however this should give you an inkling

Why are you applying to MM? How did you hear about us? Do you know anyone here?
I am applying to MM after having spent approximately 3 enjoyable hours with you kind people. I really enjoyed how helpful people were to a complete stranger (me

I originally heard of MM through Anti. I am a friend of Anti's and have been for 10+ years.
Why are you leaving your current guild? If we were to look at your guild history, would we find anything concerning?
I am leaving my guild because it's completely dead, no one are ever online anymore and have not been for months. You are very welcome to look through my past guilds, if you enjoy gossip and drama, I assure you, you're going to be dissapointed!
Raiding experience while current:
I have not been raiding properly for several expansions. I used to only spend time playing PvP.
What is your main spec? How long have you played this?
My main spec is Resto, and in regards to playing this spec for an amount of time, with the current talents and interaction, about 3 weeks. I have played resto druid for several expansions in the past though.
What is your stat priority? Explain why.
Haste > Mastery (however both haste and mastery are close) > versatility > crit
Haste and mastery are both very close, however I prefer to prioritize haste a little bit over mastery and here is why:
Even though both complement eachother amazingly, haste provides a lower GCD while also directly increasing the healing of my HoTs.
Provides increased healing by my HoTs when applied to the same target. It quite often happens that i have several HoTs on a single target, and increasing the healing done by the HoTs in this case, is very useful to improve my direct healing throughput
Why should we bring your class/spec to a raid? What do you feel is the defining feature of your class/spec?
Resto druids bring a lot of AOE healing for the whole raid, while being able to maintain HoTs on the tanks.
What addons do you use to enhance your performance?
I use DBM and WeakAuras primarily
Where do you find the latest information in relation to your class?
Primarily MMO-Champion and Icy-Veins, and the official druid discord, while talking about improvements and tweaks with other resto druids.
What do you do outside of a raid to improve your character, play style and performance?
I enjoy to play a lot of Mythic plus dungeons, both with friends and pugs. I enjoy striving to push myself. Completing content at a higher level, is always an enjoyable rush. I try to 'sim' gear and stats, as well as strategies with other more experienced resto druids.
Do you ever change around talents depending on the encounter? If so please, give an example.
I very much do. Usually playing Mythic plus dungeons, the spec: Cultivation, Spring Blossoms and Photosynthesis is the superior spec, using cenarion ward, but for dungeons like Kings Rest, where burst damage is a thing, using Prosperity for the double swiftmend is superior.
In raids i use Incarnation: Tree of Life, Inner Peace, and Flourish for raid healing.
What is your offspec? How comfortable would you be if we asked you to raid as your offspec?
I currently do not really have an offspec. I came back to the game 3 weeks ago, and feel like I have to focus on my main spec to become as comfortable with it as I can, however in the future, I would be open to persuing an offspec that would help the guild the most.
We raid Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays 20:00-23:00 Server Time. Are you able to commit to these times and days?
Yes, those times and days fit me perfectly
Can you accept criticism? If not then do not apply, we frown upon shifting blame a lot more than people admitting to mistakes and improving on it.
I have no issues with criticism, and I am very open to ideas and improvements that could be made. We're persuing the same goal.
Do you have a mic? Do you have a proper setup and internet connection to play the game competitively? (that is, at least 30 and ideally more fps in raids)
I do

We all need the occasional raiding day off for various reasons, but we expect these reasons so to be fully disclosed at as early a time as possible to make planning an easier process. Have you any planned absences in the foreseeable future that we should know about?
I do not, if anything pops up, I will inform you as early as possible
Do you have anything else to add?
I have for the longest time been purely a pvp player, however I am willing to learn and become a great asset to the raiding team as a dedicated player.
Thank you for the raid invitation today, I quite enjoyed it, hope to see you guys again!
Best regards,