patch 1.9.3 notes



World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.3 (2006-02-07)

Love is in the Air!

Are you looking for love? All of Azeroth soon will be! As winter draws to a close the races are starting to seek that special someone. Be on the lookout for amorous individuals! Put on that special perfume or cologne, express your love, and receive gifts in return! Prepare yourself.... love will soon be in the air!


* Added native support for Intel-powered Macs such as the iMac (Core Duo) and MacBook Pro. World of Warcraft is now a Universal Application. Be advised that the minimum supported MacOS X version has been changed to 10.3.9; World of Warcraft version 1.9.3 and later will not launch on older revisions of MacOS X.


* The default graveyards in Alterac Valley for each side were moved further up the tunnels away from the battlegroud exit. This should prevent accidentally leaving the battleground.


* Eye for an Eye - This talent will now still do damage when the paladin is stunned. In addition, if the critical hit kills the paladin, damage will still be dealt to the spellcaster.
* Greater Blessing of Sanctuary - Paladins with Righteous Fury will now generate extra threat correctly when this Blessing procs.


* Deadly Poison V - The charges were inadvertently not increased with the new rank of the ability. Increased from 105 to 120 charges.
* Slice and Dice - This ability should no longer miss.


* Shield Block - This aura will now correctly be removed when the charges are all consumed. However, it is still possible when fighting multiple opponents to get extra blocks due to technical restrictions.


* Arcanist Gloves were not receiving the intended spell damage bonus; this has been corrected.
* The Stamina and Intellect on Kezan's Unstoppable Taint were inadvertently flipped; this has been corrected.
* The Enigma's Answer and Stormcaller's Wrath effects now have tooltips.
* The mana regeneration effect from food no longer causes threat.
* Quicksand Waders are now Bind on Pickup.
* The Slime-coated Leggings now have their proper nature resistance.
* Prophetic Aura, Mageblood Potion, Wizard Oils, and the Mana Regeneration bracer enchant no longer generate threat for the wearer, and should also provide the increased mana regeneration on normal ticks instead of every 5 seconds.
* The Ancient Hakkari Manslayer has the proper icon again.


* The Engineering schematic for the Tranquil Mechanical Yeti now requires a Cured Rugged Hide rather than Ice Thistle E'ko so that both Horde and Alliance Engineers can make the recipe.
* Stormshroud Gloves are now Bind on Equip.

Quests & Reputation

* Grammar fixed for gossip associated with the quest "Trial of the Sea Lion" in Moonglade.
* Fixed a bug with the quest "Glyphed Oaken Branch" that was having the quest become available sooner than it should have.
* The reputation modifier of Squire Leoren Mal'derath has been reduced.
* Zandalar Tribe reputation rewards for killing mobs in Zul


And here are the things that have changed which are not mentioned in these patch notes: .... ost7009643

Stealth buff to Arcanist! The world is going to end :lol: It's actually become a decent set now. Gained +46 spell damage. Lost a bit of irrelevant int, sta and spi. Changed all the +frost damage into +spell damage. Good work, Blizzard :)

[Edit] Have a look at the comments in that thread, over half the people there think that this is actually a nerf for Arcanist.... they'd rather have 500 mana than +46 spell damage :eek:

Best comment in the whole thread:

Any mage that has 10 k mana and hits like a lvl 20 paladin is no mage at all.