I love spoilers. So lets see all the spoilers from 1.10 in one place or so!
Post typically new items, or the new sets or what not
I'll start with the rewards to the new druid quest:
Grizzled Pelt
151 Armor
17 Strength
16 Agility
11 Stamina
Forest's Embrace
151 Armor
8 Intellect
7 Spirit
+55 to Healing
Moonshadow Stave
Two-Hand Staff
45.0 damage per second
+18 to Damage/Healing
+7 mana/5 seconds
+1% to crit with spells
As you can see, they are teh suck. But no druid expected it to be otherwise, I believe ;P
Unlike the other classes, we receive 0 rewards that are even close to usefull at lvl60.
Though, now druid shapes have /dance. ^^
Post typically new items, or the new sets or what not
I'll start with the rewards to the new druid quest:
Grizzled Pelt
151 Armor
17 Strength
16 Agility
11 Stamina
Forest's Embrace
151 Armor
8 Intellect
7 Spirit
+55 to Healing
Moonshadow Stave
Two-Hand Staff
45.0 damage per second
+18 to Damage/Healing
+7 mana/5 seconds
+1% to crit with spells
As you can see, they are teh suck. But no druid expected it to be otherwise, I believe ;P
Unlike the other classes, we receive 0 rewards that are even close to usefull at lvl60.
Though, now druid shapes have /dance. ^^