There's a small client patch up today, here's what's changed:
World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.10.1
* Nature's Grace will now correctly trigger after every spell critical strike.
* Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the Omen of Clarity talent from casting.
* Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the Seal of Command talent from casting.
* Fixed a bug where the Deep Wounds talent did not trigger "on next melee" attacks when the player had initial aggro.
* Thick Obsidian Breastplate: The effect from this item will now properly trigger from the Warlock "Death Coil" spell.
* Jagged Obsidian Shield is now Bind on Equip.
* Blacksmithing: Titanic Leggings Pattern will now drop slightly less frequently.
User Interface
* Fixed a bug that crashed the client when players in Moonkin, Noggenfogger, Gordok Ogre Suit, Hallow's End form/costume attempted to create a guild tabard.
* Fixed a bug that could crash the client when switching between windowed and full screen mode, involving third-party UI using DXT textures in .BLP files.
* Fixed a bug that caused an increase in UI Addon memory usage. Memory usage has been reduced to previous levels.
* Fixed a bug that could potentially crash the client when certain friend list notifications were received.
* In Simple Chat mode, the chat window and combat log should now again be in alignment.
* Fixed a bug that caused the combat log window to interfere with side action bars when opening large windows.
* The raid window will now properly come into focus on top of the raid group pullout.
* The rest bonus indicator will now properly appear when a faction is shown on the experience bar.
* Fixed a bug that was causing an error message to appear when opening the Alterac Valley battle map.
* Food, drink, and mount icons placed on action bars are now properly grayed out when the player is in combat.
World Environment
* The Prophet Skeram is now properly affected by "Curse of Tongues" and "Mind-Numbing Poison."
* Fixed a bug that occasionally permitted players to mount in indoor areas.
* Fixed a bug that did not properly discount subsequent legs on chained flight paths according to reputation level.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug that could potentially crash the client during a login attempt if the available realm list changed around the same time.
* Fixed a bug that could potentially crash the client when certain combinations of models and lighting were in effect.