Near death experience?









Can't find my own input on my pc atm, broke my neck on 2 places 3 years ago......had a pic of the xray showing the plate in my neck along with the 16 screws in the lower part of my face and my jaw from a earlier operation to fix my jaw positioning.

Crashed a motorcycle with around 120 km/h when I tried to avoid a ghostriding schoolbus :roll:

Motorcycle was completly fine, mate on the back of a friends motor actually drove it home even though it flipped over around 6 times and came to a stop in the dry ditch not even 10 cm's from where I was laying :| Last flip actually bounced it over me.

First thing I heared when the doctors analysed my first xray's was: You are very lucky, you should have been death.

My helmet looked like a military helmet with all sorts of grass sticking out all over :lol:


I had mine as well. The first time my girlfriend got her driverslicence and drove in my car. My god that was scary, we didn't have an accident but damn.. :cry:


Stuvvie said:
My helmet looked like a military helmet with all sorts of
grass sticking out all over :lol:

LOL! Sad story, but you bring it with such humour, lovely :) thumbs up!


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Joy sent me a pic of himself IRL. Now if that is no near death experience, I don't know what is :eek:


Like they say in Life of Brian...always look at the bright side of life!

Could be way worse, I got away quite "unharmed" with only a 7% less movement in my neck after the operation while I could have landed up in a wheelchair or under the ground.

I have a uncle that got pushed off the road by a truck while driving his motorcycle in France into a ravine breaking his lower spine in 7 places and he is in a wheelchair now.

So realising how lucky I was I mostly try to make it more a happy thought then something that would chase me all my life :)

It was a very rough period after it since I couldn't do anything after it otherwise if I would do something stupid I could fuck it up and end up in a wheelchair still.
So I have been unable to do anything like going to school, work, going out with friends etc for like 4 months...really was depressing for me...I felt fine but I had to wait until the doctors said I could do those things again.

But I look at it as a challenge that life offers sometimes and you gotta deal with it and look back at it as a memorable event in life.


Ayu said:
Joy sent me a pic of himself IRL. Now if that is no near death experience, I don't know what is :eek:

Post plx, then I might change my mind and return prefering cyb0ring over the real thing again.

Stuvvie said:
Like they say in Life of Brian...always look at the bright side of life! ....

Getting incapacitated when WoW's out, is God's way of saying "I love you".
Well, been having some issues too, so I had more "sparetime" for WoW, but now I'm fully back at work and school, so i'll have a month or two away from WoW to get my "good habits" back. Unless Ayu does as told :wink:

Arnold said:
I'll be back