Yeah, so I have 3/3 imp scorch Nice to have a short casting spell, since fireball is a 3 sec cast. Shame it doesnt procc Netherwind Focus tho :|Ayu said:Scorch is actually pretty mana efficient, especially with the Imp Scorch
Ayu said:Advantages: Less burst, and less mana used. NW proc would be better if the spell cast was for 0 mana. I am pretty sure we'll get longer fights soon enough, so our DPM and longevity can shine. General Rajaxx anyone?
Ayu said:But you did good damage then, more damage than just spamming Fireball which has good DPS but worse DPM, especially on a fight where DPS does not matter but where DPWholefight does (well, and DPS at the General himself but you get the point).