Mage talent calculator up



I'm thinking about this fireh build after the patch. Combine 8/8 Netherwind (that gives a 10% chance for a spell without casting time after a fireball, frostbolt or AM) with Pyroblast that no longer has a 1 minute CD.... its teh WIN! (I hope) This means that I'll spam fireballs most of the time, so I'm not using too many talent points in improving fireblast or scorch.

I'm putting 2 points in Frost Warding when we're ready for Naxx. Will be a nice there, I suppose. And every mage needs Elemental Focus! Together with the +2% hit on the 2 ZG enchants it gives +8% chance on hit.

Rest of talentpoints in Arcane tree, although I'm not happy with Arcane Focus. But I like the Clearcasting and Magic Absorption because fire is less mana efficient than frost. And Improved Arcane Explosion will help to regain mana during AoE with the Master of Elements talent in fire.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Scorch is actually pretty mana efficient, especially with the Imp Scorch :D


Ayu said:
Scorch is actually pretty mana efficient, especially with the Imp Scorch :D
Yeah, so I have 3/3 imp scorch :) Nice to have a short casting spell, since fireball is a 3 sec cast. Shame it doesnt procc Netherwind Focus tho :|


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Advantages: Less burst, and less mana used. NW proc would be better if the spell cast was for 0 mana. I am pretty sure we'll get longer fights soon enough, so our DPM and longevity can shine. General Rajaxx anyone?


Ayu said:
Advantages: Less burst, and less mana used. NW proc would be better if the spell cast was for 0 mana. I am pretty sure we'll get longer fights soon enough, so our DPM and longevity can shine. General Rajaxx anyone?

I can tell you from experience that even with 31 Arcane (more mana efficiency) and spamming Scorch nonstop (not using AP at all), you are OOM after the second wave. I end up Scorching the trash and Wanding the JoW'ed boss every time, and even then I lose mana every wave.

Bleh. :cry:


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
But you did good damage then, more damage than just spamming Fireball which has good DPS but worse DPM, especially on a fight where DPS does not matter but where DPWholefight does (well, and DPS at the General himself but you get the point).


Ayu said:
But you did good damage then, more damage than just spamming Fireball which has good DPS but worse DPM, especially on a fight where DPS does not matter but where DPWholefight does (well, and DPS at the General himself but you get the point).

Over the whole fight, I did about 60% of Joyae's damage or so. And that was pre-Hammer. Wonder if anything will be done about this, or if it's working as intended :)

Side note, think you could clear BWL entirely with a raid consisting of Warriors, Rogues, Hunters, Priests, Paladins and Druids?


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Most likely.

Warlocks have no special job other than SSing, banishing and AoEing stuff apart from single target DPS everyone can do. Priests have a shadow tree as well to cover for Shadow Vulnerable mobs (Wyrmkins). More warriors means you have more offtanks for banishable mobs. Their AoE will be missed at Goblin Groups and Surpression room tho.

You bring Mages for their AoE, AB, Water and single target damage. Also, on Alliance side, they will be the only ones that can abuse Frost and Fire vulnerabilites on Wyrmkins and Chromaggus.

Decursing Curse of Veil on Nefarian will be troublesome without Mages though, since Druids are the only other class that can do that and Nef will still use Druid calls which means no decursing. But then again, this is a moot point. BWL has been cleared without Mages already.

So, yeah, I think it works without Mages and Warlocks. However you are making yourself too much trouble in AoE parts.