Lunar Festival: Coins of Ancestry


Oct 22, 2005
The Lunar Festival is upon us. Yay! This means you can run around the world collecting coins for crappy rewards. The good news is, that for each coin retrieved, you gain 50 (55 if you're human) rep for all the 4 alliance factions. What's even better, is that 'yours truly' already did most of the legwork for you. I spent the last 5 or so hours gathering info about the whereabouts of the elders who you need to visit in order to recieve these coins of ancestry. The ones marked as 'unconfirmed' are elders I haven't visited yet. Their locations however, are provided by the other helpful elders, thus more than likely, fairly accurate. Without further ado, I bring you the list of Lunar Festival Elders:

Ashenvale: Astranaar
Azshara: Ravencrest Monument (72,85)
Eastern Plaguleands: Light's Hope Chapel
Eastern Plaguleands: Crown Guard tower
Elwynn Forest: Goldshire
Burning Steppes: Flame Crest
Burning Steppes: Dreadmaul Rock
Darkshore: Auberdine
Darnassus: Cenarion Enclave
Dun Morogh: Kharanos
Durotar: Razor Hill (Horde, but easy to snatch)
Felwood: Jaedenar
Hinterlands: The Creeping Ruin
Ironforge: Mystic Ward
Loch Modan: Thelsamar
Mulgore: Bloodhoof Village (Horde, unconfirmed, but probably easy to get)
Orgrimmar (Horde, unconfirmed, probably off limits)
Searing Gorge: Blackchar Cave (SW corner)
Silitus - Cenarion Hold
Silitus - Crystal Vale
Silverpine Forest: The Sepulcher (Horde, but easy to snatch)
Stormwind: Park District
Stranglethorn Vale: Booty Bay
Stranglethorn Vale: Zul Gurub (Near entrance)
Tanaris: Gadgetzan
Tanaris - Valley of the Watchers (Near gates of Uldum)
Teldrassil: Dolanaar
The Barrens: Ratchet
The Barrens: Crossroads (Horde, but easy to snatch)
The Barrens: Camp Taurajo: (Horde, but easy to snatch)
Thousand Needles: Mirage Raceway (unconfirmed)
Thunderbluff (Horde, unconfirmed, probably off limits)
Tirisfal Glades: Brill (Horde, but easy to snatch)
Undercity (Horde, probably off limits)
Un'Goro Crater - Slithering Scar
Westfall: Sentinel Hill
Western Plaguelands: The Weeping Cave (65,48. Not in EPL. The elders are wrong.)
Winterspring: Everlook
Winterspring: The Ruins of Khel'Theril

Inside instances:
Blackrock Spire (unconfirmed)
Blackrock Depths - Ring of Law (Soloable)
Sunken Temple
Scholomance (unconfirmed)
Stratholme (unconfirmed)
Zul'Farrak - Gahz'rilla's pool

So, if you're in dire need of some easy reputation, be sure to visit these guys. They should be fairly easy to find with the location information I've provided. Hope this list helps.

P.S. The list is not comprehensive, so please post here if you know the locations of elders I've missed.


On my alt I picked up a coin in Tanaris, Gadgetzan and in Zul'Farrak (at the pool from Gahz'rilla)


Dec 14, 2005
Opposing faction ones are reachable - Galatea saw an Orc getting on in Stormwind, and a NE hunter friend of mine got the one from Ogrimar ....


Clevery Guy
Aug 26, 2005
Can confirm the Sunken Temple one its with all the green dragonspawn.