Leaked expansion gossip


Dec 14, 2005
I want to see Illidian dead before the next xpac. I'm actually more frustrated than excited now that this is on the horizon, and I've not seen inside Mount Hyjal or Black Temple yet.


Hmm been reading a bit on the forums, getting some ideas about what might be expected from the DK :p

Not too long ago death coil being the only one in a new spell class: Horror.

Necromancer + horror = " Lol they get a deathcoil that kills somebody in the raid group and puts you at full health" (could be fun!)

Anyway I suppose it will be decked with horror spells, Death and Decay. And maybe if I look at Diablo 2 and ingame deathknights necromancer raising slain enemies (pet ragnaros 4tw!)


And Braque this won't be soon man :p TBC took like a year or so?


Stuvvie said:
.....maybe if I look at Diablo 2 and ingame deathknights necromancer raising slain enemies (pet ragnaros 4tw!)
Corpse explosion!

and didn't blizz promise an expansion every year?


Aug 26, 2005

Anshrr said:
Stuvvie said:
I wanna be a necromancer! Anyway deathknight in my understanding is something else then a normal char.

It also says that you have to match certain criteria to be able to get one so I am kinda thinking: Ashbringer?

So then for the warglaives > Demon Hunter next? :p

A deathknight is a champion of the scourge, proven in life and swearing a bloodpact to the lich being resurrected to become a champion of the scourge so it's very weird all and the one way to avoid the scourge atm and becoming one would be the ashbringer imho :)

I can imagine the criteria is having a lvl70 or 80 toon already or something, as the Death Knight will start at a higher level/experiance. Maybe 60? 70? Just what I read over at mmo-champion atleast.
Having only a very small percentage of your playerbase beeing able to take part in such a huge part of an expansion (a new class, hero class at that), wouldn't really be too popular I can imagine.

I'd guess it's something in between. Having really rare (Ashbringer is still rare right? :p been away for a while now) loot as criterium would be too harsh, lame to add a class if only 0,0001% of the playerbase can play it. On the other hand, it wouldn't be called a hero class if everyone could just play one, they'd just say they're adding a new class. Whatever the criteria, TBC has no new class so it's always an improvement compared to that. :p


#1 LFR Feral for his ILVL
Oct 7, 2005
Found this on mmo-champion today:
Hero Classes won't be released all at once because of balancing issues. They're classic Warcraft 3 characters with an "epic feel" (something really different than the ordinary)

The hero class will be created on a new character slot once you completed the quest, you won't lose your original character.

....a quest? oO I was kinda more expecting like, level a pallie to 80 or something.. Hope they won't be too slow with the other hero classes, would suck to try to instance, with all death knights, and no healing ^^

/edit: Found more info:
Plate-wearing tank/DPS hybrid
Upon reaching level 80 and embarking on a quest "similar in difficulty to the Warlock epic mount quest," the ability to create a new Death Knight character will be unlocked.

Starts around level 60 or 70, "intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only"


Apr 13, 2007
Braque said:
I want to see Illidian dead before the next xpac. I'm actually more frustrated than excited now that this is on the horizon, and I've not seen inside Mount Hyjal or Black Temple yet.
Yea, I already missed most of Naxx, if they make us (or anyone playing less than 5 raids / week every week) miss out on Hyjal Summit and Illidan too, it'd be a serious blow.

I hate to be the one calling for nerfs, but plx, nerf Vashj :D


That TBC came when alot of guilds were finally prepared for Naxx is such a shame, had a blast leading the raids for Naxx. Simply awesome instance


Braque said:
I want to see Illidian dead before the next xpac. I'm actually more frustrated than excited now that this is on the horizon, and I've not seen inside Mount Hyjal or Black Temple yet.

I agree Braque i want to explore the content we currently have before moving on to more stuff. Its only 6 months since i had to lvl in TBC im not jumping at the thought of doing that so soon agaiin.


Oct 28, 2005

Raynak said:
Braque said:
I want to see Illidian dead before the next xpac. I'm actually more frustrated than excited now that this is on the horizon, and I've not seen inside Mount Hyjal or Black Temple yet.

I agree Braque i want to explore the content we currently have before moving on to more stuff. Its only 6 months since i had to lvl in TBC im not jumping at the thought of doing that so soon agaiin.

oh bugger, havent got as many 70's as I had 60's yet! :(


Nov 25, 2005
Plate-wearing tank/DPS hybrid
Upon reaching level 80 and embarking on a quest "similar in difficulty to the Warlock epic mount quest," the ability to create a new Death Knight character will be unlocked.

Starts around level 60 or 70, "intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only"

Bye bye raid spots for Fury-Warriors? :cry: