Hogger raid Tuesday July 18th 20:00 server time



StarRock is organising a raid on Hogger on TUESDAY the 18th of July.

Time: Gather at 20:00 (server time), start making way to Hogger with tour of major cities, end before midnight.

Objective: have fun.

I (Moonbiter) am the organizer, so contact me for anything related to this raid before Tuesday night. If I'm not online, try my other character Dansu, in-game mail, or any StarRock member (/who StarRock).

Hogger resets a few minutes after killing, so anyone who comes with us, will potentially ruin the leveling of all Westfall low levels.

What to bring
Expectations of attendees are simple:
- Bring a level 1 gnoam alt
- Be ready on time so others don't have to wait
- Be nice, play well, don't die (too many times)

If you would like to join, harass gnoambiter/dansu or sign up your level 1 gnoam at:

http://starrock.guildportal.com/Guild.a .... ID=2970591

(Posted by teq cause Moon is a lazy noob, cheers!)


Running the same raid instances for months is ok, but replicating a hogger raid is Vexing? :)

Bring out your little men (gnomes/dwarves)! :party: