Grid - Tweaks and Twonks


Oct 3, 2007
Just a thread to gather the info I find regarding Grid, might change it to addons in general at a later point.

Allows "corner indicators" on the top, left, bottom, right sides of a unit
Shows raid icons on units (with configurable opacity). A must have if you use any bossmod.
Shows mana bar on units in grid.... so you know who needs an innervate like a good druid.
Allows showing: Lifebloom Stack, Lifebloom Timer, Regrowth Timer, Rejuv Timer, WildGrowth Timer. Configurable for colors and thresholds for time left on each hot or number of lb's on the target.

Example Grid Setup
Corner Indicators on the Frame
Top-Left: Has Aggro (red) *Default
Top: Current Target (white) *Default
Top-Right: Lifebloom Stack (1=Red,2=Yellow,3=Green)
Right: Lifebloom Timer (<2 secs remaining=Red, 2-4 Seconds remaining=Yellow, Else=Green)
Bottom-Right: Wild Growth Timer (<2 secs remaining=Red, 2-4 Seconds remaining=Yellow, Else=Green)
Bottom: Rejuv Timer (<2 secs remaining=Red, 2-4 Seconds remaining=Yellow, Else=Green)
Bottom-Left: Is healing incoming (green) *Default
Left(Low Priority): MotW Missing (purple).
Left(High Priority): Regrowth Timer (<2 secs remaining=Red, 2-4 Seconds remaining=Yellow, Else=Green)

Frame Text & Center Icon
Text1: Name
Text2: Health Deficit (Incoming Heal Amount Disabled)
Health Bar: Health Deficit + incoming heal estimate
Center Icon: (Listed by priority) Raid Icon, Poison, Curse, Custom Aura's for fights

Setting up a custom Aura Icon (aka "No excuse for not healing Frost Blast")
1. Right click on Grids Icon
2. Go to: Status > Auras > Add new Buff (or debuff depending)
3. Type in exact buff or debuff name case sensitive (ex. Frost Blast from KT in Naxx)
4. Hit Enter and verify it shows up under the appropriate heading in your Aura's menu
5. Verify its priority by changing it to 90 or 99 depending (usually these icons are high priority)
6. Next to show it: Right click on Grids Icon
7. Go to: Frame > Center Icon
8. Check the new buff or debuff so it is displayed when a unit gets it.


Says funny things =)
Sep 9, 2008
The Hellmouth
Thanks! Was running my first healing instance with my druid last week and thought "gotta configure Grid more usefully".... Don't have to do the thinking anymore now ;)

I still hate that the "incoming heals" thingy is way, WAY off.... says 1.6k for Atarix' FoL but it does a lot more then that.... I do keep the numbers on though, just to know if someone else is healing that target already.


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
1.6k is indeed low but keep in mind that Grid cannot know if it's going to crit or not (unless the Pala has DF up). Maybe the problem is caused by Atarix not using Grid? I am pretty sure it was accurate for me on my Druid (LOLOLOLOLOL) but then again nearly everyone used Grid.


sup fresh
Nov 3, 2008
ive always had that problem with grid, where it shows an incorrect prediction for the incoming heal


You need help.
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Mmh, are you guys using the same (updated) version? I could be off ofcourse since I healed like 2 or 3 raids only on my Druid but numbers back then seemed good enough to be correct.


sup fresh
Nov 3, 2008
well it seems mine is several versions out of date :x ive updated it so there should be some difference for tonight


Dec 14, 2005
Croga said:
I'm using the latest version and even on my own heals it's always a couple hundred off.

Incomming heals is useful, even if it's, say, 25% off, all you need to know is: "no heals in" / "small heal inc" / "big heal(s) inc".