found this post about WG change


Aug 27, 2005
Q u o t e:
Dear Wow Players:

We regret to inform you that Wintergrasp has been TOO SUCCESSFUL. Apparently many of you like going there and doing dailies and getting mad honor, shards, gold and participating in PVP against your fellow server denizens.

Because it has been so successful, we've reached a point where our technical team cannot correct the problem from our end.... so the problem is you.

Therefore..... we're going to create a disincentive for you to participate in WG so often. We're going to change the dailies to weeklies. This will result in you receiving less honor, less gold, and less shards and we hope that it will correct our technical problem because you won't want to participate as often.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks again!

The Management.


Says funny things =)
Sep 9, 2008
The Hellmouth
Gink said:
Good shit
Not really.....

it's quite sad how some people need to complain, whine and bitch about everything.
Yes, the game changes. It has done for the past umpty years and it will until the servers get shut down. All players have the choice of either accepting that the changes will happen and working with it, or constantly whining and bitching about it. Which one would be more useful?

Playing a game is about having fun, winding down. Complaining, whining and bitching do not contribute to that at all. ever.


Aug 27, 2005
Its a good change for casuals :p half the rewards for ppl doing em daily tho :bitch: