


1. What do you call a chav in a box? Innit.

2. What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet? Sorted

3. What do you call a chav in a box with a lock on it? Safe.

4. What do you call an Eskimo chav? Innuinnit.

5. Why are Chavs like slinkies? They have no real use but it's great to
watch one fall down a flight of stairs.

6. What do you call a Chavette in a white tracksuit? The bride.

7. You're in your car and you see a Chav on a bike, why should you try Not
to hit him? It might be your bike.

8. What's the difference between a Chav and a coconut? One's thick and
hairy, the other's a coconut.

9. What's the first question at a Chav quiz night? "Wot you lookin' at?"

10. How do you get 100 Chavs into a phone box? Paint three stripes on it.

11. Two Chavs in a car without any music.....who's driving? The police

12. What do you call a chav with 9 GCSE's? A liar.

13. What do you say to a chav with a job? Gissa a Big Mac

14. What do you say to a chav in a suit? Will the defendant please stand

15. What do u call a knife in chaville? Exhibit A

16. Why is 3 chavs going over a cliff in a Nova a shame? A Nova seats 4

17. What do you call a 27 year old chavette? Granny.

18. How many chavs does it take to change a lightbulb? One, they'll Screw

19. What do you call 100 chavs at the bottom of a river? A start.

20. How many chavs does it take to clean a floor? None, "That's some Uvver
bleeders job innit."

21. Why did the chav take a shower? He didn't mean to, he just forgot to
close the Nova's window in the car wash

22. Why did the chav cross the road? To start a fight with a random stranger
for no reason whatsoever.

23. What do you call a chav at college? The cleaner.

24. Two chavs jump off a cliff, who wins? Society!


Or the 'definition':
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Chav is a slang term which has been in wide use throughout the United Kingdom since 2004. It refers to a subcultural stereotype of a person with fashions such as flashy 'bling' jewellery and counterfeit designer clothes or sportswear, an uneducated, uncultured, impoverished background, a tendency to congregate around places such as fast-food outlets, bus stops, or other shopping areas, and a culture of antisocial behavior.


Mick said:
Or the 'definition':
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Chav is a slang term which has been in wide use throughout the United Kingdom since 2004. It refers to a subcultural stereotype of a person with fashions such as flashy 'bling' jewellery and counterfeit designer clothes or sportswear, an uneducated, uncultured, impoverished background, a tendency to congregate around places such as fast-food outlets, bus stops, or other shopping areas, and a culture of antisocial behavior.

Aren't those called "townies"? :?


Chavs, Townies, Jippos, Scallys all the same thing, aka Scum! basically :p

Edit: forgot Pikies


maluson said:
Chavs, Townies, Jippos, Scallys all the same thing, aka Scum! basically :p

Edit: forgot Pikies
Before Ayu posts....

Hunters :cry:


It's fokkin' great to fokkin' see such fokkin' talent going to fokkin' waste 8)