Recent content by Tirinium

  1. T

    The Naxxramas-thread.

    Patch 3.0.2 - Naxxramas moving to Dragonblight Naxxramas will be moving to Dragonblight with the release of 3.0.2. If you want to do anything with the current 40 player level 60 version of the raid dungeon, do it before 3.0.2 is released. (src)
  2. T

    The Naxxramas-thread.

    quick note for wotlk, morgraine no longer one of the 4 horsemen, replaced by baron rivendare:
  3. T

    Naxx, Friday 22nd @ 20:00 server time

    heared how it went, really sorry for myself now that i couldnt be there :P ill make an effort to be there next time though :D (There is going to be a next time no?)
  4. T

    The Naxxramas-thread.

    Survey: Naxx before WotLK wasnt it so that every boss dropped 1 shard now? maybe look if a player allready has the base or head, and go from there?
  5. T

    The Naxxramas-thread.

    Survey: Naxx before WorLK if im correct the mod for this boss, and all other naxx bosses, are still in deadlybossmods:
  6. T

    The Naxxramas-thread.

    Survey: Naxx before WotLK My excusses for the mispost earlier, only noticed afterwards it was in the wrong topic, so here is my retry: Tirinium <Seven> Warrior, tank 8 / 5 / 48 (alternative spec - arms) - As far as expirience....
  7. T

    The webcomic thread

  8. T

    Beyond the Real Life - 2008 Teaser

    WoW, RL movie combined, looks like it going to be a good laugh:
  9. T

    Arena Unit Frames

    Using this one, also quite nice:
  10. T

    Bugfixes for 1.11

    :D :D :D thx, really helped a lot
  11. T

    Stroke my e-peen!

    One word: LoL (pathetic though)
  12. T

    How to go about making a web site (or not)

    sigh seen that one in so many avatars allready
  13. T


    O my god, there are gnomes?!!
  14. T

    John Likes to Play WoW

    arg hogger
  15. T

    strange gnome encoding hmzz
